isaac hale father of emma smithcities at 53 degrees north latitude

21:31, Isa. If she attended a Girls school, the only one in her vicinity was the Female Seminary that operated a few miles west of her parents home in Great Bend Township. Zenanah Gilbert, Diary, September 2, 1810, Special Collections, Dickinson College. She invited her uncle to a Methodist meeting, and when he heard his young niece begin to pray he was amazed. Shortly before this, Joseph had initiated the Anointed Quoruma prayer circle of important church members that included Emma. 18 (October 27, 1821): 141. "[11] She served as president of the Relief Society until 1844. Pickering,Chronological History of Plants,vii-xvi. Joseph and Emma in a home nearby while he translated most of the Book of Mormon with Oliver Cowdery serving as scribe. While in 1820 this may have principally been Isaac Hales meat trading in major commercial markets in the southern part of the state, it may have also been an early indication of David Hales store operation, 1820 U.S. Census, Harmony, Pennsylvania. I am grateful to Mary Parks for giving me access to the tavern and helping foster research on the history of the Susquehanna Valley in numerous ways. [13] A Methodist minister performed the ceremony. . 304. [citation needed] On May 10, 1839,[13] they moved into a two-story log house in Nauvoo that they called the "Homestead". I dont know how but he followed me into the house . 139. Alva remained in the valley with his family and cared for her. He in turn hired Isaac Hale the following summer of 1793 to make sure the road on this last segment was properly constructed from Colesville south through the eastern edge of Willingborough Township.109 The segment of road Hale supervised construction on became the Harmony Turnpike as it passed along the eastern edge of Oquago Mountain.110 But the side roads remained barely passable for years afterward. Larry C. Porter, Reverend George LaneGood Gifts, Much Grace, and Marked Usefulness,BYU Studies9 (Spring 1969): 327. There is no extant record of Emma ever seeing her parents again. Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,102; Wells Town Clerk, Land Records, Wells, Vermont, E: 9; Wells Town Clerk, Land Records, Book A: 23; William C. Sharpe,History of Oxford: Church Records, Births, Marriages, Deaths, etc. Levi Fry settled in the low mountains on the northeastern border of Wells Township just east of the Lewis family. Nine months after Robert Rose purchased much of the valley, Isaac Hale paid him one dollar on November 29, 1809, for 90 acres of land and agreed to a mortgage of $340.92 for the remaining sum. 46. But the details of this courtship are not known. George Peck,Wyoming: Its History, Stirring Incidents, and Romantic Adventures(New York: Harper & Brothers, Publishers, 1858), 193. An individual of David Hale's age range was listed in the Isaac Hale house - hold for the year but may have been living elsewhere on the property. 45. [11] The texts borrowed from Protestant groups were often changed slightly to reinforce the theology of the early church. Photograph by Mark L. Staker, Knife and two forks, found on Hale Farm. The William and Jacob Smith assessments were adjusted in 1825 by Jesse Hale for the 1826 season. Did Isaac Hale like Joseph smith? He was born March 21, 1763, in New Haven, Connecticut, to Diantha Ward and Reuben Hale. : Warren F. Draper, 1883), 63, 344; F.A. Land use of area. 20. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. 149. They courted for several months while Joseph worked to improve his financial situation. Emma also compiled a second hymnal by the same title, which was published in Nauvoo, Illinois, in 1841. Emma thou art blessed of the Lord, for thy faithfulness and truth, thou shalt be blessed with thy husband, and rejoice in the glory which shall come upon him. The artifact scatter suggests a door in the log home faced east toward the work yard and toward a rock-lined well that still exists near the seasonal brook. British law encouraged prospectors to look anywhere for ore they chose as long as it did not disrupt Houses, Orchards, Gardens, and Enclosures of Sugarworks. The only other requirement of the law was that the finder pay a tax of one-sixth of any ore discovered.61 A loophole allowed for the tax-free discovery of buried coins, watches, jewelry, bars of metal, or other items not considered ore. The science of geology was not well developed at the time, and a folk treasure hunting tradition was imported from Europe and refined over more than two centuries that relied on supernatural means to find buried minerals and valuables.62 Prayer was also frequently used then as it is today in the search for lost things. But Lucy, who was not there at the time, may have misunderstood Josephs recounting the events, since Isaac Hale suggested that it was Afterthese occurrences, [when the treasure diggers abandoned the project and left, that] young Smith made several visits at my house to court his daughter. Adding to the Quary speculation, Morgan Miles, a sailor arrested and taken to London to be tried for piracy, announced his captain, a man named Stratton, had buried a cache of silver at the mouth of the Susquehanna River before returning to England.66 These stories spread and were embellished with each new telling until there was a general perception that most pirates buried treasure, a perception that worked its way into fictional narratives largely unchallenged for centuries despite the lack of evidence. See Hartgen, Report and Hartgen Archeological Field Investigations.. 276. These reports are on file in the Historic Sites Division. He was only twelve when news arrived of the first skirmish on the Lexington Green in Massachusetts. Hale gave me a cordial reception, and in the afternoon I preached in a little log school-house to a small but earnest congregation. Peck must have used the log home on the Hale property for some of his sermons. Silas Gildersleve wrote his family on September 18, 1823, after traveling the turnpike, and noted how although they had terrible weather, he, his wife, and his mother-in-law managed to travel the road as well as Could be Expected.2 In the latter part of October 1825, the fall rains would have made the road particularly dangerous where it descended into northeastern Pennsylvanias Susquehanna Valley. and by this time we have a good load we get caught in a violent shower and get completely wet when we arive at the plase intendet for devotion we see about 3 thousand people there to hear a verry vulgar man talk and tell his experiences some it seams went there for the purpose of worshiping God some for pretents and some to make show and some to see what they could find to make a ridicule of indeed the methodice behave verry unbecoming and I was verry glad to retire from the crowd.204, In a letter describing a camp meeting in the valley in the fall of 1824, the writer prayed those who had gone for sport might find God.205. Isaac Hale noted the money-diggers boarded at my house while they were employed in digging for a mine.277 Hale could have meant by board either taking meals somewhere or regularly sleeping somewhere for an extended period.278 Both meanings were used in local contexts at the time.279 He could have meant by my house either his log home or his frame home. [24] In March 1844, Emma published: We raise our voices and hands against John C. Bennett's 'spiritual wife system', as a scheme of profligates to seduce women; and they that harp upon it, wish to make it popular for the convenience of their own cupidity; wherefore, while the marriage bed, undefiled is honorable, let polygamy, bigamy, fornication, adultery, and prostitution, be frowned out of the hearts of honest men to drop in the gulf of fallen nature.[25]. He blamed Federalists and Whigs for their problems.282, John Comfort saved his harshest words for the decline of religion in Harmony. At that time her baptismal date was given simply as ditto marks underneath Alva Hales baptismal date of January 11, 1797. Isaac and Elizabeths first child, Jesse, was born February 24, 1792. Isaac Hale. [11], On March 17, 1842, the Ladies' Relief Society of Nauvoo was formally organized as the women's auxiliary to the church. About this time, Martin Harris made his appearance upon the stage; and Smith began to interpret the characters or hieroglyphics which he said were engraven upon the plates, while Harris wrote down the interpretation. In late 1806 Joel Smith replaced Stier and Lee as the Methodist circuit rider assigned to the Tioga circuit that included Harmony. Her cousins named their son Algernon Sidney Lewis after the English philosopher Algernon Sidney who opposed absolute or divine right monarchy, and the Litchfield area became a central base for operations during the war where the Continental Army could rely on consistent support, store supplies, and keep prisoners of war. Some of Emma's friends, as well as many members of the Smith family, alienated themselves from Young's followers. . Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,92. And Elizabeth Hale expected a child again. Nahum 1:7, Romans 10:1, Luke 11:1, [and] John 21:15. Sermons preached in Sela Paynes home a little over a mile east of the Hales were based on the texts Sam. It drew from the King James Bibles phrasing of a blessing given by Jacob to his son Joseph promising him blessings unto the utmost bound of the everlasting hills (Genesis 49:26). Tryal Morse continued to live in a rude log cabin in the woods as her husband had local family, and Phebes husband worked in the sawmill across the river with some of the Hales. Isaac Hale 1763 - 1839 . The Hales farmed near Harmony, Pennsylvania, and operated a country inn. 305. 2 They were married at the home of Squire Thomas Tarbell in South Bainbridge, New York, on 18 January 1827. Some of those he had known for years were now leaving their community, and others were growing old along with him. Dubois and Pike,Centennial of Susquehanna County,73. Joseph Smiths 13 1/2 acres were rounded for tax purposes to 13 acres of improved land just south of the Morse property. Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,102. Franklin Bowditch Dexter, ed.,The Literary Diary of Ezra Stiles(New York: Charles Scribners Sons, 1901), 3:264, 266, 368, 488. Paul,History of Wells,33, 37, notes one of the Lewis sons became an acceptable local preacher before he mentions the conversion of John and Levi Lewis in 1789. One of the key elements of this style of preaching was a belief in direct answer to prayer. Bidamon moved into the Mansion House[18] and became stepfather to Emma's children. Since Isaac Hale was in the valley several years before he settled it with his family, it is likely he arrived after Hale was first there. 69. Hale was not taxed for a barn in 1798. 93. The Hale home was a place for tea parties and other social gatherings that included religious worship and tied the Hale family to their community. Joseph began his first efforts translating the Book of Mormon in the Hale home and found protection as he began his work. Windsor Bridge Company, Subject Files, Broome County Historical Society, Binghamton, New York; Trial Notes of Scribe A, Transcription of the Testimony Given at the Trial of Jason Treadwell, August, 1824, Historic Site Files, LDS Church History Library, hereafter CHL. isaac hale father of emma smith . B. Buck noted most residents of the valley were drawn into Methodism during this early period, but religious enthusiasm quickly waned as the fires of conviction soon died down and the valleys residents largely returned to their previous indifference.210Some members of the Hale family continued their persistent involvement in religion despite the declining interest. attended a Girls school for one year, he did not document his source. 122. 179. Im also grateful to Harold N. Hoyal, Ben Park, Heidi Harris, Jason Twede, Dawn Agenti, the staff of the Bishop Memorial Library (which houses the Luzerne County Historical Society) in Wilkes-Barre, Penn., Stan Thayne, and Mary Jean Vance who each helped on elements of the project. She gave God glory for his boundless love to sinners.222 As he heard this prayer, the uncle resolved to give up his sins similar to Isaac Hales example a few years earlier. Nathaniel returned to the war briefly as he enlisted a fourth time and served in Vermont.74. Son of Reuben Hale and Diantha Ward. isaac hale father of emma smithwhere to privately print photos. isaac hale father of emma smithnatural hair salon hyde park, chicago. 23. Upham,Life of Timothy Pickering,119. Wilkinson,Annals of Binghamton,11617. Nathaniel Jr.s brother John Lewis also met and married a relative of Sarah Cole in Middletown, Rhoda Hall. ; The Isaac Hale Beach Park on the island of Hawaii was named for a descendant who lived in the . The Hale home not only offered Isaac and Elizabeth Hales children a measure of respectability, it added to Isaac and Elizabeths own prominence in the community lending gentility to their lives. After this, I became dissatisfied, and informed him that if there was any thing in my house of that description, which I could not be allowed to see, he must take it away; if he did not, I was determined to see it. But I have not been able to reconcile the known data with this possibility. By referring or linking you to these resources, we do not endorse or guarantee the content or the views of the author. Ten days before her death she became quite uncomfortable. George Peck covered the sermon book he used in the Hale home with gold and blue wallpaper left over from someones recent construction. The early involvement of Elizabeth in Methodism is discussed below. The evidence suggests a mixed response to African-Americans in the valley during the early years. Early map makers of the region acknowledged their lack of information about the area by writing Endless Mountains across a large section of unmapped land without trying to include details they did not know.33The name stuck and is still used for the region today. Emma and Joseph's descendants grew John Comfort, one of the wealthiest men in the valley, a close friend of Isaac Hale and a member of the same Methodist congregation, regularly reported his success to a son in letters. His mother recalled after Joseph first met Emma, he immediately commenced paying his addresses. Anderson,Lucys Book,361. The Hales may not have even known he owned it. Not only did David Hale believe his mother was converted to Methodism in Pennsylvania (Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,103), but neighbors of the Lewis family in Vermont indicated that some of the children in the family did not join Methodism, unaware of Elizabeth Hales later conversion, Abby Maria Hemenway,The History of Rutland County, Vermont: Civil, Ecclesiastical, Biographical, and Military(White River Junction, Vt.: White River Paper Co., 1882), 1194; Paul HilandHistory of Wells, Vermont for the First Century after its Settlement; with Biographical Sketches by Robert Parks, Esq. A later reminiscence ties the name Harmony to Henry Drinker Jr.s land agent John Hilborn. George Ruper owned their land only briefly after he acquired it from Pennsylvania. However, throughout her lifetime Emma publicly denied her husband's involvement in the practice of polygamy and denied on her deathbed that the practice had ever occurred. Isaac Hale had initially welcomed Smith when he came to Harmony, Pennsylvania where Emma grew up, looking for a place to stay and continue his translation of the Golden Plates from which the Book of Mormon would be translated from. After Hale returned home from military service, he inherited all of his grandfathers estate with the stipulation that he was to take into his Care his Grandmother Phebe Ward in her old age, to keep and provide for during her life, to free her from all or any cost to this State.24 Despite the presence of his uncles, Hale inherited both the property and responsibilities of a son. Isaac Hale is the son of the wealthiest farmer in the village where Feyre Archeron and her family live. [citation needed] Joseph had also been in debt when he died, leaving the responsibility to pay it on Emma Smith's shoulders. Credit: Kenneth Mays The rebuilt home of Isaac and Elizabeth Hale, the parents of Emma Hale Smith, at the Priesthood Restoration Site, in Oakland Township (previously Harmony), Pennsylvania. Joseph McKune was the assessor and Jesse Hale was the assistant assessor. Stow settled on the outskirts of the Old Oquago village where Buck and Hale first met. August 1830, Deed from Isaac and Elizabeth Hale, 25 August 1830, as Emma, who was more than ordinarily communicative, December 4, 1867; and Visited Mrs. Bidamon, relict of Joseph Smith the Martyr. Jesse reduced the value of Isaac Hales land on appeal by $150.00. Emma authorized and was the main signatory of a petition in summer 1842 with a thousand female signatures, denying Joseph Smith was connected with polygamy. But the reflection is more than human nature ought to bear, and if God does not record our sufferings and avenge our wrongs on them that are guilty, I shall be sadly mistaken. Winter approached, and one long-time resident, fifty-five-year-oldJosiah Stowell had a wagon full of men from the vicinity of Palmyra, New York, he was bringing to work in Harmony Township before they could no longer dig the frozen ground. He then went out of the house pretty soon about the middle of the day., Joshua McKunethink the first time I saw Treadwell after he returned from down the river was on Thursday early in the day after he had been talking at Mr. Hales around the log houseI had seen Treadwell before but had no particular conversationafter he went from Hales house I went in company with him I entered into conversation with him respecting the murder of Oliver Harper.. The Beers map has continued to influence some historians of Mormonism. A second son, Frederick Granger Williams Smith (named after Frederick G. Williams, a counselor in the church's First Presidency), followed on June 29, 1836. 309. The letter has one thousand eight hundred andthirteenfourteen written which is likely a correction because of a wrong year added just after the change on January 1. The headstone, made by Eclectic Man, included visual symbols from Harpers life.4, As the group rattled closer to Harmony Township, they traveled the last section of the turnpike in an experience described by a later newspaper reporter as like being rolled in a barrel. He insisted the turnpike could guarantee the traveler a shaking he will not forget in a month. But the reporter acknowledged, And what is the one thing that would atone for so many inconveniences? Even decades later, the Hale men were hired by their neighbors to cut meat, soften it with saleratus, and smoke it for eating in later months. Skilled farmers could grow a little of both wheat and barley when managed properly, but they never became major crops. 175. While Lewis maintained the operation of the local congregation, circuit riders continued to come through the valley. Mudge,American Camp-Meeting Hymn Book, iv. When James Newman died and was buried in the cemetery west of the Hale home that now bears his name, John Comfort wrote he was taken a corps into the Chapel the first time he ever entered it. John Comfort, letter to Silas Comfort, February 29, 1848. Upham,Life of Timothy Pickering, 4:119. John E. Goodrich,The State of Vermont Rolls of the Soldiers in the Revolutionary War, 17751783, (Rutland, Vermont: The Tuttle Company, 1904), 20809. The infant Joseph died of exposure or pneumonia in late March 1832, after a door was left open during a mob attack on Smith. 16. 142. This continued a struggle Joseph Smith faced for several years over how his taxes were determined. Settlers from Harford, Bridgewater, Great Bend, Windsor, Ararat, and other villages ensconced in the mountains rode on horseback to Hilborns to read his books, leaving home early in the morning, and returning late in the evening.178 While Nathaniel Lewis owned at least one book, and Isaac Hale left a box of books at his death valued at a modest $3.50, for many years what few books were generally available for reading in the narrow valley were available only through Hilborn.179 Eventually, in 1809, Henry Drinker renamed the eastern portion of the valley Harmony Township, reminding settlers of his Quaker ideals.180 By then, Methodism had transformed the entire valley, and the Society of Friends disappeared from the community. (Salt Lake City: Greg Kofford Books, 2013), 2:33138; Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, A House Full of Females: Plural Marriage and Womens Rights in Early Mormonism, 18351870 (New York: AlfredA. Knopf, 2017), 8696. 121. Benson Bobrick,Angel in the Whirlwind: The Triumph of the American Revolution(New York: Penguin Books, 1997),50-51, 148. 224. Then the elder Pickering came back to the valley to take his son away for better medical treatment. So we have travel[ed] round over the world seeking a place of abode that suits our views; but how soon all our Labors must end and we go to our Long home while the mourners go about the streets. Isaac Hale was not a Methodist and not exposed to the same rural religious conflicts as has confronted the Lewis family. The flatter land along the river was initially used for family gardens, but after the famous pumpkin freshet of August 1794, when the river flooded and swept the settlers food supply downriver, settlers grew timothy grass and clover resistant to flooding along the river that provided winter hay for their livestock.112Only a narrow strip of land on the ridge that followed the floodplain on the north side of the river-supported gardens.113. During the next weeks, Joseph was arrested, tried, and exonerated in South Bainbridge for "glass looking" based on the state's vagrancy law. George Catlin,Last Rambles Amongst the Indians of the Rocky Mountains and the Andes(New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1867), 910. 303. Bushman,Refinement of America,115. 172. Most settlers along the Susquehanna also acquired some cash through selling their timber downriver which they could use to pay taxes, purchase window glass, nails, cooking implements, and other essentials. They have, however, long since been defaced, so as now to be invisible. She does not include Levi among the children. Joseph Smith III, Last Testimony of Sister Emma,Saints Herald26 (October 1, 1879): 290. Emily Blackman also suggested that Daniel Buck arrived in the valley in 1787, Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,53. The information presented in this article is an outgrowth of my research for the Historic Sites Division of the LDS Church Historical Department in conjunction with the reconstruction of the Isaac and Elizabeth Hale farm (17871841) and the Jesse and Mary Hale/Joseph and Emma Smith farm (18131830) in Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania. There is some evidence that Crawford may have been correct. Isaac Hale, Tax Assessment, Harmony Township, Susquehanna County, Pa., 1823 and 1824. Conflicts between church members and neighbors also continued to escalate, and eventually Young made the decision to relocate the church to the Salt Lake Valley. Born 21 Mar 1763 in New Haven, Connecticut. It is likely there were a few additional books in the valley but the data is not sufficient to discover who owned them or what they were titled. This was five years before Alva Hales baptism in the Congregational Church and thirteen years before Methodism was brought to Willingborough Township. As the Hale family and their relatives in the valley joined Methodism one or two at a time over a period of several years, the son of Timothy Pickering Jr. died and Nathaniel Lewis moved his family into the larger Pickering home.223 The Lewis family lived in the large home until Pickering sold it to John Comfort in 1808 and gave Lewis a years notice to move his family out.224 This happened just as land ownership in the valley shifted and the settlers were finally forced to resolve their land titles. You can contact the owner of the tree to get more information. Little is known about Emmas knowledge and feelings about these marriages, some of which entailed commitments in this life while others involved commitments for the next life only. The comforts Lucy observed may have included running water. 91. These added kitchens were typically known as work kitchens until the 1840s. Stocker,Centennial History of Susquehanna County,543. 15. Only six families in the valley had frame homes while less than half of the barns and other outbuildings in 1798 were specifically identified as log structures, suggesting the earliest sawn lumber went to outbuildings.142, When John Comforts sawmill began operation at the bend of the river, it was clearly the largest in the region and made lumber readily available in the area. See Harmony Township tax records for unseated lands for Jacob, William, and Joseph Smith, Unseated lands for William Smith (364 acres) and Jacob Smith (401 acres) 1815 recorded for January 1816 assessment; 1820 it is William 364 and Jacob 402. [10] Beginning at age eight, she was involved in the local Methodist Episcopal Church in Harmony, reading the Bible and singing hymns. Along with what Comfort perceived as religious decline, economic decline settled in their valley contributing to an exodus of many of the valleys second generation. John Comfort, letter to Silas Comfort, July 11, 1839, punctuation added for clarity. 226. Robert H. Rose, letter to Isaac Hale, January 2, 1810, Deeds. de Doina Babcinschi. Pickerings surviving papers also provide detailed plans for construction of the second home and information about this larger structure. 2 Farmer, hunter, innkeeper. Emma was the first woman to receive temple ordinances; she then initiated other women in these sacred rituals. Frisbie,History of Middletown,58. If Blackman was counting from the date she wrote her account in 1872 it would put Elizabeths conversion to 1822, probably too late since most of her family joined much earlier. He married Elizabeth Lewis on 20 September 1790, in New Hartford, Litchfield, Connecticut, United States. Debates about who should be Joseph's successor as the leader of the church also involved Emma. This was when Isaac helped build the Lewis home and just before he built his own. I have named one of the judges Scribe A (see Trial Notes Scribe A) as he recorded the following testimony, confirming the log home still stood in May 1824. A local slave recalled when she arrived in the valley, already several people had moved to the neighborhood, had erected log houses, cleared the lands, and begun to cultivate fields and raise stock.139 Each family built a log-house covered with bark, which differed from a log cabin in that the logs were smoothed with an adze to create straight edges, and the bark was generally used to enclose the upper portions in lieu of sawn lumber as was the case with the Hale familys neighbor John Osterhout (as seen in the illustration).140, Despite the great insulating qualities and durability of logs, even when they were hewn and nicely shaped settlers considered them less refined than sawn lumber in frame homes, and they tried to improve the look of their homes as soon circumstances allowed.141 The 1798 direct tax lists noted three sawmills in the valley, including that of Sylvanus Traves (or Travis) who lived on the farm immediately east of the Hale property. They also developed a close relationship and identification with local Native Americans, perhaps in part because of Daniel Bucks knowledge of their language and culture. It puts his conversion to early 1779, however, which is a year before his parents were supposedly converted. 166. Willingborough Township, Direct Tax Lists 1798, 3. Wed hardly get over one frolic when wed begin to fix for another.154 Settlers held a big frolic on Wednesday, July 4, where they enjoyed dancing and eating as they worked together while honoring Isaac Hale and the other men in the valley who had served in the Revolutionary War. Willingborough Township, 1798 Direct Tax. ), his question mark after the date expressing some uncertainty as to when Buck was replaced. Thy soul has been afflicted because of the wickedness of men in seeking the destruction of thy companion, and thy whole soul has been drawn out in prayer for his deliverance; rejoice, for the Lord thy God has heard thy supplication. --- The below. He and others had already searched the spot with hired hands, but he was returning for another effort with a new workforce to help him find it, including Joseph Smith Sr. and nineteen-year-old Joseph Smith Jr.

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