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The concept of the Trinity. How to Teach Kids the Trinity with an Apple Object Lesson Grab an apple and share these five truths with your kids: An apple has three parts: the seeds, the flesh, and the skin. 6:2122), Resuscitation of the dead (1 Kings 17:1724; 2 Kings 4:1837), The resurrection of Jesus (Acts 4:10; Acts 10:40), Sustains the universe (Col. 1:17; Heb. I am also Keith Ferrin. Question & Answer: The Orthodox Presbyterian Church While we cannot fully understand everything about the Trinity (or anything else), it is possible to answer questions like these and come to a solid grasp of what it means for God to be three in one. These three persons are of the same substance, equal in power and glory. It's a great reminder of the three parts of the Holy Trinity! It has been said, Try to explain the trinity and lose your mind, try to explain away the trinity and lose your soul. After all, theyre good questions. Secondly I'd like you to read this verse with me from the Bible. Therefore each of the Persons into whose name we are to be baptized must be deity. How do we receive His grace? If each Person of the Trinity is distinct and yet fully God, then should we conclude that there is more than one God? The Trinity Is Unique Among Monotheistic Religions Christianity is a "monotheistic" religion. C.S. Lewis and Mere Christianity: The Trinity (The Three-Personal God Let's explore each of these members. Further, we clearly should not think of God as consisting of anything other than divinity. How To Explain The Trinity To A Child Or Teenager - Mama Manages Other references to the Trinity in the New Testament include Matthew 28:19, 1 Corinthians 12:4-5, 2 Corinthians 13:14, 1 Peter 1:2, and more. How To Explain St. Patrick's Day To A Child, From Fun To Facts - MSN Further, we should allow the fact that God is triune to deepen our worship. Both the New Testament and Old Testament testify that there is only one God: Unfortunately, we cannot go through each of these passages in detail. Yet Jesus would not have referenced the Trinity unless it was important. Jesus (the Son) is God. It starts with a whisper. ETS members all confess the Father, the Son, and the Spirit to be "one in essence, equal in power and glory.". Develop your leadership skills and learn how to launch a ministry wherever you are. "It has been said that there have been four centuries when the church's understanding of the person of Christ has been most under attack. In Hinduism, the trinity (Trimrti, or The Three Forms) is of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Showing God in action in and through His people. "Economic" has to do with the history of salvation, and discusses the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in the sending and mission of salvation. 1. . God the Son. Does Matthew 28:19 Prove the Trinity? - Life, Hope & Truth One of the problems is that most of us myself included are tempted to move too quickly to analogies that only help explainaspectsof the Trinity. Its okay to admit you dont know everything. But what does it mean that God is gracious? Conclusion: Scripture supports the Trinity. Before moving on tounderstandingthe idea of one Being existing in three Persons, I will point out that theBiblical idea of the Trinity goes all the way back to the first verse in the first chapter in the first book of the Bible. Theologian R.C. Use the links below to jump to a specific section: The doctrine of the Trinity means that there is one God who eternally exists as three distinct Persons the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It was God who took the initiative to save humankind. In John 1:1 it is affirmed that Jesus is God and, at the same time, that He was with God- thereby indicating that Jesus is a distinct Person from God the Father (cf. PDF Understanding the Biblical Doctrine of the Trinity (Godhead) - Bible Truth What does the Bible teach about the Trinity? | 2. Surely not. This one is kinda fun for older kids who understand a bit of science. Does it look like Grandpa? This is one possibility of explaining it. Understanding the Trinity: How Can God Be Three Persons in One? - Turn to me and be saved, all the ends of the earth! In addition to these texts, the others we mentioned above make clear that the Personhood of the Holy Spirit is distinct from the Personhood of the Son and the Father. If you are teaching young children, these object lessons are both the perfect starting and stopping point. Clearly, he appreciated a plurality within the Godhead. But Jesus did not become less than the Father during his incarnation. 2) It makes no sense 3) The doctrine is rooted in ancient pagan Babylon 4) Jesus himself said he is God's SON; not God himself as the Trinity teaches Then you will learn the distinction between personhood and essence or nature. Is the Trinity a contradiction? The Trinity is like an egg or apple. We cannot compete, in simplicity, with people who are inventing religions. As a mom to three kids under 8, an instructional coach, and a former classroom teacher, I know a thing or two about how public schools REALLY work and the challenges we face in the United States. The Trinity confuses many people. 5 Scriptural Points to Help You Understand the Trinity See if you can let kids arrive at the notion that God isnt really made up of parts. In this case, "immanent" means "the action remaining within an agent.". *catholic, meaning universal here, and not a reference to the big C Catholic. After all, as I have said many times (to myself as much as others! How to Support Gifted Readers, 27 of the Best Yoto Cards for Kids (sorted by age group), 40 Surprising and Fun Bible Facts for Kids (with a FREE true/false printable game), Holy Week for Kids: How to Teach Beyond Easter Sunday, 15 Powerful Self Esteem Activities for Kids to Do at Home and in School. The Definition Of The Trinity. We hate SPAM. Amen. How to EXPLAIN The Trinity to a New Believer | Introduction to The Rather, everything that one Person is involved in, the other two are also involved in, one way or another. Understanding who the Holy Spirit is, the place He holds within the Holy Trinity and the role He plays in individual lives is vital to anyone exploring what it means to become a Christian and anyone trying to follow Jesus. As a result, Jesus death covered or atoned for our sins (2 Cor. Jesus is God, but He is not the Father or the Holy Spirit. For instance he: Jesus has all the features that ensure he, too, is a person. Three parts in one, yet all very much an egg. God the Holy Spirit. Use your hobbies and interests to find the best place for you to serve. Principle #3: Order. Thats what faith is being content with our own confusion while still knowing that God is bigger than we can comprehend. We believe God is one in essence. The Holy Trinity Prek Teaching Resources | TPT Faith is recognizing that we dont have all the answers and deciding that its okay to keep believing and growing. He is three in Person. At his death on the cross, sinless Jesus chose to substitute himself in our place (Heb. And the voice of the Father declared, This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased (Matt. Heres the problem (and why we shouldntstartwith these analogies):If these analogies are the only way someone thinks of the Trinity, it will lead to one of two errors. I believe in God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earthand in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spiritand born of the virgin Mary.He suffered under Pontius Pilate,was crucified, died, and was buried.He descended to the dead.On the third day he rose again.He ascended into heaven,and is seated at the right hand of the Father.He will come again to judge the living and the dead.I believe in the Holy Spirit,the holy catholic* Church,the communion of the saints,the forgiveness of sins,the resurrection of the body,and the life everlasting. "After being baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove and lighting on Him.". From our understanding of the Trinity (a social being), we recognize that a person is a relational being, not just someone with a mind, a will, and . The Easiest Way to Explain the Trinity | SsouthernLifestyle Jesus dying on the Cross is one of the most important parts of His story. Even wonderful parents have kids who struggle with self esteem, despite excellent parenting and a supportive home environment. There will always be some level of mystery to this, but when you talk about the being/nature/essence as God and the persons/expressions as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit I think we get at least a little bit closer to beginning to comprehend something we can never fully comprehend. Several analogies help us apprehend the Trinity. First, we have God. To start, let me define what I mean when I say persons. Personhood is having intellect, emotions, and a will. Lets change that! 28:20; Col. 3:11), Omnibenevolent (John 13:34; Rom. All three members of the Trinity have these characteristics. When he has gone further in his "explanation" of the Trinity than many have gone, he admits, "I am far from asserting this as any . Omnipotence (Jer. For example they: 5. But I hope you have learned that the Trinity is not contradictory. Hmmm. So many things clamor to define you. And God seeks people to worship Him in spirit and truth (John 4:24). That means that, as Christians, we believe in only one God. In eternity past, before the beginning, God was alone. Sigh. This would make each Person less than fully God and thus not God at all. If someone already has an understanding based on the definition and explanation above, then these analogiesmighthelp them grasp aspects of the Trinity. 3. Its three things, but all are complete on their own. Trinity: Loving relationship defines God's very being ). Essenceis the objective set of attributes necessary to the thing being described. Find freedom from your sins today. In order for something to be contradictory, it must violate the law of noncontradiction. The seeds are like the Holy Spirit, because He helps us grow. What Is the Trinity in Christianity? - Learn Religions He sanctifies us (1 Pet. If God is three Persons, does this mean that each Person is one-third of God? The Trinity does not divide God into three parts. God the Father spoke the creative words to bring the universe into being (Gen. 1:1). Contrary to this, the passages we have seen imply that God always was and always will be three Persons. . Matthew 12:28. The second point of clarification has to do with personhood. So, the Trinity is incomprehensible. There is a clue that the Son is distinct from the Father, yet there is fellowship between them. As I said earlier, it means the same thing as being. Remember, the nature or essence of an entity is the property or attributes that make it what it is. For instance: Additionally, all three members of the Trinity participate together in several critical events. Here we will summarize some of the fruits of their labor. My Starting Point for Trying to Explain the Trinity, The Simplest but Still Clear Explanation for the Trinity, The 3 Most Common Trinity Analogies (and their limitations). 5:510; 1 Cor. Trying to fully understand God is like a 2-year-old trying to fully understand the complexities of relationships, marriage, and parenting! We begin with a brief discussion of the doctrine in historical context, explaining more fully the nature of the problem it raises. Likewise, after the Son returned to the Father (John 16:10), the Father and the Son sent the Holy Spirit into the world (John 14:26; Acts 2:33).

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