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If it is less than two seconds, you are following too closely. Worse, you could cause a crash, and end up hurting yourself and wrecking your car in the process. PDF ComedyTrafficSchool.com Section 5 "Driver Responsibility" Page 1 THE DANGER OF FOLLOWING TRUCKS TOO CLOSELY - Tiemann Law Firm What is a Large Vehicle Following Closely Behind? When following a large truck, its important to follow the rules of the road. Drivers who are speeding will have a shorter reaction distance since theyll run into trouble at a much faster pace. Insurance terms, definitions and explanations are intended for informational purposes only and do not in any way replace or modify the definitions and information contained in individual insurance contracts, policies, or declaration pages, which are controlling. If the driver behind you wants to pass, allow a little extra room in front of your vehicle. There is a recommended safe following distance which varies with speed and is indicated by time: the two-second rule. CHARTER XXVJII (continued) Up the hills of North Sydney the police car forged its way, with never a falter. You stay close to the vehicle's left front wheel C. Whenever it is legal and safe, WHAT IS THE BEST ADVICE FOR DRIVING WHEN HEAVY FOG, DUST, OR PRECIPITATION OCCURS? Under no circumstances because it is always legal In the front seat, secured by a seatbelt or child seat If youre being tailgated (followed very closely by another vehicle), make sure you have additional space between you and the car in front so you can change lanes or allow the driver following you to pass. Study Questions with Answers - NewDriver.com When following a truck, drivers should keep a safe distance. Change lanes, look carefully, and pass One handed steering The car behind accelerates to also pass the yellow light, but turns red and the first one crashes to a stop. Helps you avoid other drivers' blind spots. D. Just after the rain stops, If you stop on the shoulder of the road in heavy fog, warn other drivers that you are not moving by? If you are driving below 40 mph, you should leave at least one second for every 10 feet of vehicle length. Always drive slowly and check both sides of the road before turning. B. A. 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE A. Drafting or slipstreaming is an aerodynamic technique where two vehicles or other moving objects are caused to align in a close group, reducing the overall effect of drag due to exploiting the lead object's slipstream.Especially when high speeds are involved, as in motor racing and cycling, drafting can significantly reduce the paceline's average energy expenditure required to maintain a . Is a common cause of rear-end accidents. C. Taking responsibility for other drivers actions A. A. However, if youre driving on a wet or slippery road, the following distance should be increased by about one second per 10 feet. Remember to also: double your following distance in poor conditions. On the high-beam setting If you pass the same point before you finish counting, you are following too closely. A large vehicle following closely behind it - Brainly.com Keep your front wheels parallel to the road B. As a result, you should keep a four-second distance between you and the truck. Look at your rearview mirror 3-point or Y-turn Determine the total reactance in each case. Speed up and pass bicyclists before they can get to the corner If you see a tractor-trailer making a turn, you need to slow down and check your rear-view mirror to make sure you dont hit it. An official website of the United States government Here's how you know. You are driving in the far right lane of a four-lane freeway and notice thick broken white lines on the left side of your lane. B. C. Twilight-Darkness The faster youre driving, the longer it will take for you to stop. Check traffic coming from behind before opening your door C. Merge into the bike lane to make a turn, C. Merge into the bike lane to make a turn, IF ANOTHER DRIVER "CUTS" IN FRONT OF YOU, IT WOULD BE BETTER IF YOU: Is a common cause for rear-end collisions. If you find that youve passed the marker point before you finish counting the three seconds, you are following the other vehicle too closely. B. D. You need more time to respond to hazards, To give yourself more time for the IPDE Process at night? A. Also, be aware that a large vehicle looming up closely behind may intimidate drivers of small vehicles. You can measure this distance by counting the seconds from the vehicle in front passing a landmark or stationary object. Drivers of trucks, buses, vans, or cars pulling campers or trailers may slow down suddenly without knowing you are behind them. Truck accidents usually involve running into the vehicle ahead. What could the driver have done differently. B. When you maintain a proper following distance and follow the 3-second rule, youll have a much better chance at avoiding a serious collision. Child Passenger Safety Regulations: A State-By-State Guide. careful check of traffic in all directions The best way to keep from getting involved in emergency driving situations is to continually scan for hazards or changing areas Large trucks tend to move more slowly than smaller cars. Electronics has hugely influenced the development of modern society. Allows a driver to weave onto expressway traffic with no yielding. As a CMV driver, you are aware that some of your blind spots are large enough that a passenger vehicle can virtually disappear from your view. C. none of the above D. distracted driving. Cyber security At Look over your right shoulder through the rear window and back up slowly, WHEN BACKING OUT OF AN ANGLED PARKING SPACE, YOU SHOULD ALWAYS MOVE SLOWLY AND: You cannot cross without obstructing traffic on either side There is a sharp curve in the road ahead Is Tailgating Illegal? | WinIt App California Drivers Ed DMV Permit Practice Test Answers 38 The rule of seconds advises that if you're driving below 40 mph, you should maintain at least one second of distance for each 10 feet of vehicle length. C. Closed travel path to the rear C. Adjusting your outside mirrors, B. B. Large vehicles and trucks towing a heavy load will require more time to stop due to the added weight. Do not follow closely behind a truck or a bus. 1 / 46. when a driver judges how much risk is involved in a situation or driving maneuver, he or she should consider. C. Legal at intersections, unless a sign prohibits them. Our thoughts are with all those in Nashville and across the great state of Tennessee affected by the recent tornadoes. C. 2-point turnabout using a road on the left. On the shoulder debris and other cars). Your parking lights. Managing Space Around Your Vehicle | High Road Online CDL Training A. The table below shows comparisons of stopping distances for cars and trucks when travelling at the same speeds. Maintain Recommended Safe Following Distance Between Vehicles - Traffic When driving near a large vehicle, be aware of the driver's blind spots on the right, left, front and behind. Stabilize during the lane change. D. Drive to the right edge of the road and stop, BEFORE CHANGING LANES IN TRAFFIC, YOU NEED TO: D. In the back seat, secured by a seatbelt or child restraint seat, D. In the back seat, secured by a seatbelt or child restraint seat, MOST SERIOUS ACCIDENTS HAPPEN AT WHAT TIME OF DAY? A. When Following a Large Truck You Should? - Prettymotors.com Enter the length or pattern for better results. Of those collisions, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), about 22% are the direct result of the commercial vehicle driver following the car in front of them too closely. Stop only if you see a train coming . B. Within the Local Group, some show a red shift and some show a blue shift. Increasing your following distance behind vehicles like school buses and delivery trucks affords you more time to use your brakes. It's hard on tires A. I need the answer to this IN THE LIST STRIDE. Following too closely may be defined as, situations in which one vehicle is following another vehicle so closely that even if the following driver is attentive to the actions of the vehicle ahead he/she could not avoid a collision in the circumstance when the driver in front brakes suddenly."14. In most cases, it can take anywhere from 0.2 seconds to two full seconds before you react and come to a stop. United States, Email:FMCSA_HOST@dot.gov A. Other drivers to use when they want to slow down B.) Following a truck too closely can result in a deadly rear-end crash for the other vehicle. C. Traffic ahead of you is traveling below the speed limit Are Your Drivers Maintaining Proper Following Distance? This is especially true if youre driving in inclement weather, the roads are icy, or youre driving at night. B. Stop and wait for a green light. Explanation: When following a large vehicle, keep well back. C. Point the front wheels toward the center of the road There are five vehicles following closely behind you on a road with one lane in your direction. Thats because the faster you travel, the longer the distance you cover within the three-second time frame. Its also a good idea to increase this distance in poor weather. 3 seconds, for speeds between 35 and 55 mph, in ideal driving conditions (good road surface, good weather, light traffic) 4 seconds, for speeds between 55 and 75 mph, OR during rain, on wet pavement, or in heavy traffic. B. What does this tell you about the galaxies in the Local Group? Is a common cause of rear-end accidents, WHEN PASSING IN THE ONCOMING TRAFFIC LANE OF A TWO LANE ROAD, YOU SHOULD CONSIDER: 30 days In a right turn, where will the rear wheels 'track' in relation to the front wheels? The space needs of the car and the maneuver to be made, the time necessary to preform the maneuver, & roadway conditions. For example, you should stay at least 70 feet or five car lengths away from a snowplow. What are they? If you dont, you can easily hit the rear of the vehicle. Turn on your four-way hazard lights A. To avoid this, use the "three-second rule." When the vehicle ahead of you passes a certain point, such as a sign, count "one-thousand-one, one-thousand-two, one - thousand-three." This takes about three seconds. If your vehicle is equipped with safety belts Indefinite The driver is following a lead passenger vehicle closely. 5. If the roads are slippery, you can increase your following distance by counting to a higher number. B. AP Chem Molecular Geometry and Bond angles, SEGMENT I - IMPORTANT QUESTIONS - WORKSHEET #1. Is a common cause for rear-end collisions. C. Imagine a point directly behind and adjust steering. For speeds over 40 mph, you should leave one additional second.16, Did You Know? D. 90 days, A conviction of Driving While Impaired with a BAC of .15 or more, or another conviction within the past ten years will require: When all the points below are present, a driver is considered to be following too close*: The vehicle is traveling at or above 25 mph The brakes have not been applied brakes for at least 4 seconds The driver is approximately 1.5 seconds behind the vehicle ahead and is not increasing that distance. Beginning or ending left turns In terms of who has the right-of-way. If your vehicle is equipped with safety belts, WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TRAFFIC LIGHTS WITH RED ARROWS AND THOSE WITH SOLID RED LIGHTS? What Is the Correct Following Distance When Driving? - Fix Auto USA By pressing the confirm button, I am acknowledging that my citation was issued in Orange or Osceola County, Florida. D. The entrance ramp, the acceleration lane and the merge area. Do your best to practice it every time you drive and it will become second natureas you use it more frequently. All oncoming traffic is stopped by red lights [2]. The purpose of maintaining a safe following distance is pretty obvious: to give you plenty of time to apply the brakes and bring your car to a stop before rear-ending the car in front of you. Just the act of driving carries some degree of risk, but when your following distance is too close to other vehicles, the odds of getting into an accident increase by quite a bit. B. B. Driving a large vehicle. Place your engine gear into the parked position In most cases, a safe following distance is much longer than a car length. You should drive at least 2 seconds behind the vehicle in front during ideal conditions. C. In terms of who must yield the right-of-way. Have a space cushion Leave enough space between yourself and the vehicle ahead, behind and to either side to stop safely or steer around a possible hazard. Vision and braking How much clear space you need to pass, and how much you have Not turn right until the light turns green, WHEN YOU COME TO A CORNER WITH A STOP SIGN, YOU SHOULD FIRST STOP: A. B. Large trucks have a much larger blind spot than a car, so youll have to give them plenty of room to stop. (b) Calculate the atomic mass of X and give its name and symbol. To allow one driver automatically to go ahead. Foot fetishism has been defined as a pronounced sexual interest in feet. Module 6 Drivers Ed Flashcards | Quizlet You need extra room to see . Approaching bicyclists This will allow a driver to react to an emergency situation. On October 15, 2007, as cars began to slow for construction in the left lane, a CMV driver failed to brake and crashed into the vehicle ahead of him, killing a 47-year-old woman. Afrikaans; ; Anarkiel; nglisc; ; Aragons; ; ; Arpetan; Asturianu; Avae'; Aymar aru . Why is it dangerous to follow a large goods vehicle too closely? How far should a driver be from the steering wheel? Making driving judgments involves? B. Bearing down on other drivers and following them too closely makes it more likely that you will get in a collision. C. Slow down, look both ways, and proceed Using a space cushion Try not to drive until conditions improve To avoid an unexpected collision, youll need to maintain a safe following distance. A weave lane Allows a driver to stop and fix any vehicle issues safely. A. A. If you are pulling a trailer or carrying a heavy load, increase the time to three seconds. Others need to see you B. Based on insurance company reports, these are the top 10 states with the most tailgating violations: Many of these states also rank high on the list for aggressive drivers. A. Horses in warfare - Wikipedia Drivers of large trucks must be very careful when driving, because they have to take into account the size and weight of the truck. Real 2023 DMV Questions - DMV Written Tests

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