cedarville university crazy rulesfairhope election results

Yet, a fraction of that die from guns. They make you attend a formal dinner every night and make you dress up for dinner too. Students who engage in underage drinking or provide alcohol to underage individuals may be subject to legal sanctions in addition to University penalties. These are CHRISTIAN colleges: did you expect them to accept homosexuality, occultism, and premarital sex? What's the most frustrating thing about Cedarville University? - Unigo.com In the introduction of this article, many questions were raised, and no answers for any of them were argued for in the main body of the text. Both Testaments contain warnings concerning the use and specific instruction regarding the sinful abuse of alcohol. Cedarville police were called to the Stevens Student Center Tuesday morning after a 911 caller reported that a male student had been stabbed. I could go on and about more experiences like this during my 2 and a half years at this horrible place. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The Sobering truth of Cedarvilles Archaic Prohibition Rules. Ugh. My experience is that Asbury failed to portray the Christian faith in a serious way because She became more interested in the rules than the outcomes (Paul made a big deal of this in the bible). So if the rules dont work for you, dont go there. Everyone should look at the evidence presented and formulate their own personal opinion of the matter. She ate me out the first week I was there and gifted me with my first strap on fucking a few weeks latter. So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom. Geez. They cant dance, cant gamble, and cant even lightly use alcohol or tobacco even if of legal age. I would not refer it to anyone!!!! Extremely vulgar!!! Other academic levels are not stringently held to these policies, but they must sign out if they want to return after curfew. All resident and commuter students at Oral Roberts University are required to attend church at least twice a week and find themselves to a highly restrictive dress code. Homosexuality is also wrong,because it upset God to the extent of destroying sodom and gomorah. Register for Classes (Students) - Student Planning. Graduating 74% of students, Cedarville alumni go on to earn a starting salary of $35,200. Cashiers Office. Neither dancing nor tattoos are forbidden, although some forms of dancing would be inappropriate. Especially for women it was very restrictive. Ive also chosen to go back this Fall because it follows the Bible and the rules discourage wrong things so it is Much easier to make right decisions! However, while I appreciate the desire to have a biblically based view on alcohol, I do believe this article misses the heart behind the rule of abstaining from alcohol while being a student at Cedarville. 'To those we lost': Michigan State's 'Rock' repainted with victim's The professors are very intentional so that studying the bible isn't just for academia, but . There are so many problems with this statement. Is there something wrong here? Students are also prohibited from recreational drug use, misusing legally prescribed medications, or using synthetic street drugs or medical marijuana. Unfortunately, many forms of dancing are closely associated with things that undermine godliness. Of course, the handbook does too. Access Canvas. It is a small institution with an enrollment of 3,540 undergraduate students. IT IS WRONG. Shoes should be worn in academic buildings, chapel, and the dining hall at all times. They help stem the tide of STDs, date rape, the dangers of substance abuse, etc., Use of alcohol was simply pushed underground out of regulatory bounds and resulted in the creation of a black market. Look at history. We should not drink alcohol around underage students or those who struggle with alcoholism. If students go from a strict household (as I suppose most of these students do) to a strict school, they will have no chance to learn true self-control. However, writing an article does not constitute its topic being a massive social issue. Youre a different kind of stupid. From my own experience, when you walk away from God it usually has to do with decisions you have made and not lack of motivation or dedication. Division II varsity sports with student-athletes maintaining a focus on ministry and impacting the world for Christ. Cedarville College was established in 1887 by five godly men who envisioned a college that would provide Christian higher education. Honestly, this is lazy journalism. All women are required to keep their skirts at knee-length or longer and receive no piercings beyond one in the earlobe. If you want information about these schools, do your homework by going straight to the source. So even if we (younger generation) are unholy, damned, and reckless WE have the right to be and i am proud to be invoking my first amendment rights, at this moment by stating my very valid oppinion because I CAN. HONESTY One of the marks of integrity is honesty. Regardless of popular opinion, political correctness, or the ideas of major theologians, truth is always truth. No one is being coerced into paying thousands of dollars to go if they dont want to. If you study at a high quality MBA program in the United States, you can use that degree to improve your reputation and career ANYWHERE in the world, unlike law or medical degrees (or worthless degrees from diploma mills). Or would he rather you come to him of your own free will and respect him because you want to not because you have to. Cedarvilles policy on alcohol is simply another notch in the post of treating students like children rather than adults. Look it up. If you want to have a Christian school, make it conform to Biblical principles as much as possible. It is not discouraged at all! There are many things that are legal that are morally wrong, and It should be Students hoping to visit any friends of the opposite sex IN THEIR DORM ROOMS can visit on Fridays. You dont have to get permission from families, no files kept. You willingly agree to their rules when you come here and they arent a secret. Im not talking about breaking these rules, Im talking about snobishly being on the look for anyone that might be breaking these rules and falesly accusing them. Clothing should not have slogans that are inconsistent with University values. BUT, if you are homosexual, they wont kick you off campus. The big issue that I have is the way the university attempts to control activity while school is not in session and students are at home. Thats how many of those regulations mentioned in the synopsis I broke while attending the sixth college on this list. L, 8-10. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); These days, college is expensive and not the best choice for everyone. Alcohol is held up as equally detrimental as illegal substances regardless of whether or not a student partakes responsibly and remains at or above the drinking age and the University does not discriminate on whether or not consumption or possession takes place on- or off-campus, either. Which brings up the question Why go there if you dont fit? Christians not overtaken by an archaic dislike of alcohol from the 1920s can read this passage and apply it to Cedarville in this way: Students should not drink with students who are not legally allowed to do so and students should not drink too much alcohol, thereby maintaining self-control over their bodies. -Pornography duh. No, they do not allow engaging in it, and I honestly think thats not something good. program doesnt work for precisely this reason it doesnt teach kids that cocaine is worse than beer. ALCOHOL AND ILLEGAL AND HARMFUL SUBSTANCES The Bible contains many warnings on the use of alcohol and teaches the need for caution. (https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/themelios/article/on-disputable-matters/) While I do not agree with every aspect of Carsons analysis, he does raise some key truths about disputable matters.. such as premarital sex, pornography, etc. 4:3. Cedarville University should be on this list its more strict than Liberty. Asbury College/University. We call our student handbook The Cedarville Experience because it includes many of the guidelines and principles that will shape your time at Cedarville. Seems irrelevant to me. A lot of the comments here seem to be objecting to what the author said by defending these schools. You arent allowed to have any music by a contemporary artist or anything with even the slightest beat. As our Cedarville University community processes this situation, we pray we would do so with humility, grace, mercy, integrity, civility, and respect. and everyone is a sinner, but it is much better to have standards (standing for something morally Institutions promoting morality in an immoral society. I respect your opinion and where its coming from. Quite honestly, speaking as a Christian myself, attending a private Christian college is not always the best choice depending on your career path. I do believe Cedarville gets a lot of things right, especially in the area of academics. Absolutely true! I understand your point, and I do believe the policy could be tweaked. The reality is this: laws cannot change hearts and minds. Um, we dance at ORU. While most schools understandably discourage nationally illegal activities involving drugs or underage drinking, Pensacola Christian College outlaws perfectly legal ones such as gambling, possession of pornography, dancing, swearing, smoking tobacco, and even patronizing movie theatres. God forbid someone busts into a Riverdance in the middle of the student union. However, responsible use is not sinful, which is our primary point in this article. I attended Pensacola Christian College in the early 1980s. The second problem is that Cedarville seems oblivious to the fact that the same thing has happened at Cedarville. myCU - Cedarville University Listed below are several principles that support and guide our approach to alcohol and are informed by the following Scripture texts: Prov. Mixed groups of males and females must agree to confer in the presence of a chaperone. (IF you live somewhere else then you should not know what most of these colleges are anyways because they are in the U.S) This country has set its standards and limitations and guess what the four founding fathers said my dear friends, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.. Thursday nights require a 10:00 PM return time because of devotionals. Will students at uber-Chritstian universities have this? I transferred to PCC my sophomore year and had a great floor leader. Maybe this list should just be 10 Strict Christian Colleges? I can understand dancing in a lewd manner in clubs being prohibited (not really, actually I cant understand most of these being prohibited even when it comes to upholding an image of morality) but what about ballet? As we know from history, prohibition massively failed. Welcome to a place where Gods very attributes are slandered and blasphemed. I imagine that most people know about the tendency of people who live in extremely sheltered and restrictive environments to go wild as soon as these restrictions are removed and they realise how much freedom they have, because they never learnt self-control. The first is that prohibition does not equip students for the reality of the world after they leave the campus of Cedarville University. While most schools understandably discourage nationally illegal activities involving drugs or underage drinking, Pensacola Christian College outlaws perfectly legal ones such as gambling, possession of pornography, dancing, swearing, smoking tobacco, and even patronizing movie theatres. and I would rather put up with some questionably strict rules if that meant that No college is perfect, Thats what you have to do in order to survive there. It was absolute bullshit, but because I had short hair( girl) I guess I wasnt godly enough They are doing more damage to the kids that have no idea what theyre getting into. A long time ago yes, it was a very conservative campus. Clearly, the answer to (b) will depend on the answer to (a). Whether you are the religion these campuses represent or not. However, his ultimate conclusion is that Christians must make decisions based on whether they will be further sanctified. How about youth? All students with a course load of 6 hours or more are required to contribute at least 6 hours of volunteer work in a Christian-related field per month, and they are heavily discouraged from taking jobs that distract from the schools staunch moral guidelines. Rebecca There is little finacial aid available in my opinion and the finacial aid people were less than helpful. http://www.pcci.edu/ they as adults need freedom to make own choices. But most, if not all, of these schools require their faculty to live up to the same or stricter standards standards that the faculty and the school believe are right. Just my humble, unbiased opinion; take it or leave it. Cedarville University - Niche Reading the article, Im finding myself agreeing. God created sex. I went to ORU and two of my children as well. So next time you choose to attack our schools (speaking more to some of the comments than the actual article), check your sources. All of which are traditional dances and (in my opinion) in no way put the dancers morality and purity at risk. Student Handbook and Online Resources | Cedarville University Why all the restrictions regarding dancing? While this article certainly peers into their doings from the perspective of an outsider, it admits that the real answers remain entirely subjective and highly nebulous. But premarital sex, homosexuality, aligning oneself with occult religions (though the handbook never actually specifies which belief systems they consider occult), using expletives, tobacco possession or use, dancing, and working at any establishment that encourages or involves any such things apparently constitute impropriety and stand as offenses worthy of expulsion. For example, can we ever seriously argue that taking jet skis out on a lake or visiting Kings Island are a means of divine sanctification? The decision to use alcohol and tobacco kills nearly 500,000 Americans a year, the porn industry destroys millions, and how many die from abortion. because If an institution dedicated to the service of Christ becomes abhorred by those who dont serve Christ, this might suggest that it is doing something right not always, just sometimes. If you EVER want to be in a highly sexually-charged atmosphere, these are the places to be. Feel free to email me at [emailprotected]. I have a mission that I am just now working on, and Ive been at the glance out for such information.|. Articles are submitted and written anonymously in order to protect the identities of students and non-students alike who could face backlash or punishment for expressing their viewpoints that differ in any way from Cedarville University. All of you commenting on this comment box are complete fools have you not forgotten what country you live in its the United States people. I know its frustrating to have people object to aspects of your lifestyle and faith, but I dont think responding with condescending bias is helpful. Also, youre a little too sarcastic in your sentences. And of course, students can meet ANYWHERE else on or off campus whenever they want. They love to give demerits there and everyone is encouraged to be a snitch. I transferred to and a public univ and found it to be a great fit for me, realizing that everything along my journey (both good and bad) helped to make me stronger and teach me about life sono regrets. Probably not. BUT, they do not have any rules against you watching them on your own, or even on things like violent video games. Ten. "Each program at Cedarville University comes from a biblical world view. Those of you who are saying Oh SOMEBODY has to set standards for the youth. Guess what? If you have questions or need more information, please contact the student life deans. (Aldair Zepeda/WWMT) "To those we lost to those healing," added were the names of the three killed in the shooting, Brian . But the following schools nonetheless play host to a number of regulations that seem rather appalling to mainstream society, and this article takes an admittedly irreverent peek at a little of what they have to say. Ive been asked so many times why I kept returning to such an oppressive environment. I know several students who attended these schools and went nuts due to teh strictness of the rules.alot of them transferred to Liberty. Thats whats up. Woah this blog is magnificent i like reading your posts. The Scandal Deepens at Cedarville University | Righting America Cedarville University - RationalWiki Be offended but remember that nobody cares youre offended. MSU shooting: Suspect dead, 3 killed, 5 injured; what happened The administration should be an example of leadership by listening to its student body, a large portion of which would support the change to the student handbook. First, he writes that something that can be disputed does not make it a theologically disputed doctrine. Yes, the limitations on personal freedoms were sometimes onerous, but the tradeoffs, IMO, make the typical American college experience pale in comparison. Attending chapel is mandatory, and it is heavily suggested that not participating in other Christian ceremonies or functions is highly frowned upon. DO you know what these strict colleges are invoking by making these kinds of religious standards? Students are expected to remove hats before entering class or chapel. Public displays of affection beyond handholding are highly discouraged, as is fraternizing with those of the opposite sex on co-ed camping trips. Secondly, it promulgates the idea that women's bodies are shameful and ought to be covered up. All students are also required to adhere to a stringent dress code lest they find themselves facing a few more fines along the way. NOTE: This is not a comprehensive argument for changing the alcohol policy at Cedarville and more articles will likely be posted in relation to this subject to review Biblical principles in depth. Giving into that division will never bring peace. Guys did not have to accept dates with interested women. I know Id want someone to visit me. I accumulated more than 100 demerits during my first year and because of this, they did not allow to me to return the following year. Your email address will not be published. This was not a good recipe for being a successful artist. Actuallythe standards for Brigham Young University are slightly off. I have yet to understand why people go out of their way to attack our schools when the rules do not affect them in any way whatsoever. Remember no one is forcing anyone to go to this college those who attend are already in agreement with the administration the writer sound like the school is repressive it isnt if you choose to live a prurient life also the remark about legal pornography shows the the commentator has no idea of what is going on its not mans law they are concerned with, its, you know, His law. However, as a Cedarville student, you represent the University. leftover elk tags wyoming; when did rumspringa originate; cedarville university crazy rules Men may not grow their sideburns past their earlobes, have hair covering their ears, or keep moustaches beyond the corners of their mouths. But let me clear up a few things as I attend college there myself. An upper classman lied and told the dean that I had looked at a male student in a sexual manner while walking home from chapel and was campused w/in the first weeks there. Michigan State gunman carried note threatening New Jersey schools these are adults who may have attended high schools where,they like myself,was paddled for minor mistakes. Convocation was not that big of a dealit was actually pretty cool. go Michigan State! Cedarville University - CollegeSimply Some rules are ridiculous. The school even governs how students are to go about their off-campus employment as well. Many who attend the strictest places were either home-schooled or went to hard-line fundy christian schools and churches their whole life. 1 Corinthians 9:4 says, Do we not have the right to eat and drink? Paul goes on to argue that we should not do so if it would cause a stumbling block to other believers. They understandably discourage illegal and discourteous behaviors such as excessive drunkenness, but generally harmless actions like possessing legal pornography, moderate drinking, disciplined gambling, dancing, sensuality, premarital sex, and homosexuality all remain condemned and held up as just as harmful to young, educated minds. Most schools understandably want their students to stay away from breaking the law or acting inconsiderately towards others but Ozark Christian College also places tight regulations on legal activities as well. For this, I say thank you. Commuter students cannot cohabitate with significant others or any peers of the opposite sex, either, and anyone hoping to get married before the age of 21 is highly encouraged to seek counseling and receive parental permission. While some rules are debatable, yet this writer seems to think Hey Amos, youve got a very urgent meeting with Dr. Wood tomorrow. She did meet some students who were unhappy with Asbury for various reasons, like any students at any college. Im not a Christian and yet I do not have pictures pasted on the internet of myself drunk and naked I dont even use Facebook or alcohol. A church I was told to attend? They are advertised as Christian schools so it would be assumed that it would be mainly Christian people would be attending them. If you dont stand for something youll fall for anything. Seriously. Im very sorry that Pensacola was such a horrible experience for you but keep it to yourself. Please rethink your mission before writing on something destructive. I graduated from ORU, great school! I cant believe you missed out on Bob Jones U finally lifting their ban on interracial dating JUST ten years ago. Keep up the good work! Theres a long thread on the forums at home-school.com about Pensacola Christian College by a former student who thinks its a cult, and its not accredited. In this article, our anonymous author discusses the practical, common sense issues with the policy, the detailed policy issues within the student handbook, and a Biblical review of the alcoholic prohibition instated at Cedarville. I do not see why people judge these schools so harshly as a non-christian I still think that these colleges are not wrong. It is NOT frowned upon if you do not attend other Christian things like church simply suggested. In addition, all students enrolled in 12 or more hours are required to attend at least one chapel event a week. AND, IF I had not experienced Gods love, Why doesnt she try to show me instead of disipline me when I did nothing wrong!!!!!! But you cant get upset and blame teh school if you enroll and dont check out the requirements first..BYU is a great school.not a fan of mormonism, but the students that are there are great kids for the most part. I agree strongly with Tara. Use of food and drink is listed by Paul in a discussion of disputable matters. We are advised to be careful not to place stumbling blocks in a brothers way. Dallas Christian College directly addresses individuals who feel their extremely staunch policies are either too slack or too restrictive, stating that such measures strike a balance between freedom and Christian piety. Unfortunately, that will probably never happen for one simple reason: Cedarville is so concerned with their image that they are more willing to treat their students like children than follow actual Biblical principles. He let people reach out and touch him because to touch him was to touch life and forgiveness, no matter their past or present. Eliane There are some rules that I whish didn't exist, but I understand why they are inplace, so they don't bother me all that much. A student may be subject to involuntary withdrawal from the University or from University housing if the student engages or threatens to engage in the following: Behavior that poses a danger of causing physical harm to self or others. Ill leave you with a quote to ponder. So sorry for everyone you had contact with. Case in point: I had been dating the same guy for over three years. I wonder if its the product of a fundamentalist Christian school (mine was formed at Catholic schools and cheering the murder of alleged gay people was never on the syllabus). The dress can best be described as business casual. Recap. Amos prophecy describes the restoration of Gods people as involving drinking wine. Located in Cedarville, Ohio, Cedarville University is a mid-size four year private college offering both undergrad and graduate programs. He transferred to public school where he had no friends and even less support and encouragement from faculty/students, and two months later he shot himself. Feb 25 (Sat) 3:00 PM. There is a fence with razor wire enclosing the entire campus. Leave your intelligent feedback down below or consider following CollegeTimes on Facebook or Twitter to stay updated or to get in touch! America as a whole is definitely not a good indicator of Gods standards as displayed in the nature of his Son and set forth in his commands. Major infractions largely accepted by mainstream society and allowed under American law include dating violation[s], owning potentially offensive media (which will get confiscated), swimming with the opposite sex, patronizing a movie theatre, attending a concert, receiving a tattoo or piercing, gambling, possessing pornography, or purchasing and using tobacco (even when of age). Sex is frequent, furious, and freaky. First, living under such strict rules has detrimental consequences. Possessing legal pornography, light to moderate drinking (even non-alcoholic versions of beer or cocktails), gambling, premarital or extramarital sex (regardless of whether or not the latter take place within an open relationship), dressing immodestly, supporting or practicing religious beliefs in line with the occult (with the lines of what constitutes such practices never explicitly stated), using profanity, tobacco, engaging in or supporting homosexuality, and having or supporting abortions are also very much in violation of the schools strict moral guidelines.. The difference is, God cares about the first and does not care about the second. This, of course, means any movie above a PG-rating or below a -1 score on Previewonline.org (though there exists the very rare acquiescing from the school). In addition, anyone considering dating a classmate or other attendee must refrain from any sign of affection beyond handholding. They also will not do anything to you for supporting it as they follow Christs example in loving everyone and not judging others for their beliefs. Maintenance Office. Because some might say that the strict rules only serve to lead people away. It helps us to become better thinkers and writers! The problems arise when we disregard our fellow believers who are of weaker conscience. It is a choice for the student to go there, they arent forced. For any college that you are considering, know before you go. Honesty, refraining from causing harm to others, community, and staying within the laws of the home country all remain relatively reasonable and universal codes that give students structure while still preserving their individuality and bolstering their character. In fact, they DID say, students should not drink too much alcohol, thereby maintaining self-control over their bodies. The point of this article was not to condone drunkenness, but to challenge Cedarvilles policy against responsible alcohol consumption for adults. There are always going to be kids that break rules.i went to parties were kids were drinking alcohol. One of my professors at UK went to my church (Southern Hills in Lexington), another of my UK professors dedicated his life to improve conditions for the poor in South America.

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