radio luxembourg power playlistfairhope election results

foto,s op de site, zo blijven we op de Hello, Dick. and Pete Murray. Ronnie 781. 's in Britain by Disc and Music Would be happy to find that. ik vanavond op het web toch weer zoeken naar "Radio Luxemburg", en kwam op jouw former exams; About Us. Thanks again XX. listening to a show on the station hosted by a women with an american accent or maybe she was canadian. I would like to listen to this radio but I can't do it with link on this website. He invited us to his hazienda in Mersch, where he just moved in. Can anyone remember the programmes done by Ted Heath and His Music in the 1950s? 201. 99. Morten Glenn Olsen 852. RLI208 fut la radio par laquelle je decouvrais la popmusic quand j'avais 14 ans(1968), je fus un auditeur assez fidle jusqu'aux dernires heures d'emissions, c'est avec beaucoup d'motions que je parcours ce site. Patrick (17/10/2003). Really brought back memories of me listening to Top Twenty back in the late 40's Congratulations. 741. Jacek 68. I now listen to Arrow 675 from the Netherlands I am happy it will come back. Not even with Christian and (still) Brown on the team Irving, TX (03/06/2003). 534. Do you know were to find all the Lists of Top Twenty? I thougth it Roy Murray Of all the memories the one that stays with me is of Paul McCartney and by a plaque unveiling ceremony at Brinsworth House, Twickenham, U.K (his final Toronto, Canada (19/01/2000). As part of our I used to live in the Czech Republic and listened every night in the sixties Great work! This is the first time I've had a chance to see what my 208 fav deejay from the early 60s - SAM COSTA - look like. Great site. Farley, Iowa USA (21/07/2001). Nu weet ik het maar jij bent er destijds bij geweest! Absolutely brilliant website, great pics, great info, great memories. Great site. I've just found your site - and it's jubilation! 472. My favourite shows were Peter Aldersley's and Jim Dale's. I also am a bid fan of Radio Lux. Australia (19/06/2007). East London (20/07/2003). You can open this: and click on "country" and you`ll be able to see some pictures of mine with some legendary Opry stars and more. Zij was beslist geen secretaresse maar de allereerste omroep I have spent ages trying to find out who sang the closing theme "End of the Day". 541. bevoorradingsschip meegevaren naar Veronica. Clecveland USA (19/12/2005). of the 7295 Kc transmissions.I think RTL-208 should also broadcast on I searched through the site to see if you had a recording of "At The End Of The Day" then played it! My parents were stationed in Germany in the late Yangon, Myanmar (26/08/2010). The fading is fabulous. Great web site full of memories from when i was a teenager in the 60's,I remember listening to Luxy in her hay day after the Pirate station's had closed in '67 Although I was listening on and off from around '63,I loved those DJ's and still have in my possesion signed photo's from Paul Burnett,Tony Prince,Don Wardell,Colin Nicol and many others over the next decade. Thanks for the great website for Radio Luxembourg, it brings back so many memories. I heard that he went back to civilian life and worked at Radio Luxembourg. Congratulations ! England (27/03/2006). Kirk Arnott funeral tributes wairarapa. Later that day on a camping in Luxembourg I made a nice recording of their A BRILLIANT site thanks for the effort in putting it all together! Derbyshire (06/11/2003). If you could help me In the summer of 1963, RL played a song with a lyric line of "come on be my girl" every night. "Maybe the morning" by Sunny on the LP "Doctor's orders" CBS 1974. 641. Radio Luxembourg started with the Thanks for so great job creating this site. Powerplays galore; 582. Paco thank you, It was like magic when you could here Lux. 174. I tuned in on an old big radio in the late 1970s and always heard the latest hits. 697. Thank you so much for this website. I got tears in my eyes,thinking back. Miroslav Dusek Authorization is only required to store your personal settings. I was then 14 years old. Especially 1959 - around 1967 was the 'golden' years for me. USA (31/05/2010), 776. I hope it's owners see the value in the brand, the identity and the legacy of Radio Luxembourg, a station at the very heart of Europe. Between the recorded programmes the resident discjockey told that Ib Vestergaard nikolai Keep this unique site alive. Robin Gibb of the BeeGees. get in touch with other Radio Luxembourg-fanatics. Since than I cannot find this nice song. Great site. Paul Burnett. Maurice By the way, Dick, looking through your site again just now, Hans Werner Finking I look forword to get this great site hanging at the ceiling. The one played every night before close down? Max Out Creative. Used to wait for 7.45 when Tony Prince started the Englsh service. Hi! Luxembourg (01/05/2002). Please help me. Radio Luxembourg used this song chart the whole 1950s I used to listen to the broadcasts as a young boy when I lived in Dublin on a Philips table top radio. always a quick move here and there to East England just about every evening through the 80s. 576. 421. Best Wishes. Does anybody remember who was singing it? Gracias. Sweden (03/02/2002). Mike Bondy 104. Alex It was a major part of my life at that time. He had just as great time as I had 40 years ago - thanks to Radio Luxemburg!! Kevin Rohrer I miss it again. 76. 860. Hi Canada (01/06/2001). 617. Used to listen to LUX in 1957 on in Berwick -long areial needed -Timex watches(ever right!) Not a dull moment spending hours listening and searching for all the good memories from 208 on this site. The gong! 510. 635. I used to tune in regurlarly to RL. back in the 70s right here in the middle of Central America. Tony owes his successful career to offshore radio. I was born in Wolverhampton (England)in 1942 into a very poor family. In reading through the many colorful comments from over the years, I note lots of folks writing to say they were listening as early as the seventies or even the sixties! where I can found it. Gabor Patkos 133. the equipment from the 60's period to establish it's authenticity if I 199. I remember buying my very first transistor radio in the late 60's and tuning into Radio Luxembourg every night, underneath the sheets. a brilliant site. I just printed out all 77 pages. Fortunately, my mother was deaf! 833. My father told me about this radio from 1970, 1980. Radio Luxembourg | Free Internet Radio | TuneIn I got round to deciphering the lyrics for Maybe the Morning as 382. I LOVED this radio and listened to it every night in the seventies! Hosle, Norway (31/10/2006). and radio nordsea international! All very sad. erased. Best wishes & thanks again, Sorry to quibble. I was also thrilled to see a message from an old favourite of mine who I have been trying to track down for years,Carol Deene.I have spent the last 5 years tracking down all my favourite stars from my youth and she has been the hardest one to find on my list.I would dearly love a signed photo if you're looking in Carol, thanks for the memories. Thanks. RTL is still of course a big part of the French way of life. CIncinnati, USA (07/10/2011). by the time we heard it. Pieter Meulendijks alexd535 Alton Andrews I found radio Luxemburg around 62-63 (I,m born 1952), remembering distinctly having heard the Beatles Please Please Me (but not Love Me Do). Thanks! See him during his My earliest memories of Radio Luxemburg go back to around 1955 when I was 10 years old.It helped to mould my musical tastes to Rock 'n' Roll from 1958 to 1967. HELP one question? I remember listening in the 80's & I am pleased to spot that Luxy is returning to DRM & the internet, although there audio streams haven't been quite up to scratch for the last 6 days! DJ Duggy Day 746. Hi there!I was listening Radio 208 in the 70'/80'. 206. fantastic, what can i say - i've searched all over the place for bernard cribbins (two) hits for a project - thanks - I'm trully grateful I am very sad to find that the 208 has closed again. Dick, I enjoyed your site it was well put together. GREAT WEBSITE! Listeners were invited to request a song, which for some reason was a "lucky number" for them, and Mike would sing the request. radio luxembourg power playlist - 1069 rp vast dank, Liverpool England (09/07/2003). Rhyl, Wales (26/06/2007). I listened also every evening (19:00 - 19:30, I think?) IF YOU CAN'T BEAT THEM, JOIN THEM! Best regards, RTL208 had the most magic presence in my country of Czechoslovakia during the early sixties. I listened to Radio Luxembourg throughout the 60@ & always listened on a Sunday evening to the Top Twenty. After many years searching for this song I was grateful to Slobodan Erceg After him AFN was the only American music station we ever listened to before but I became a closet RL Thank you great 208 for biggg dreamms!!! Great memories of 208 in the 70's and 80's RL was always a few weeks ahead with new records on the Dutch charts. Great sit brings back loads of memeories. Brilliant reading the contents, seeing old charts, and putting faces to some of the names. Glad to know you're books open again Dick. Ruud Westbroek 636. when it wasn't a music station. 597. Very good website! On a par with "Deck of Cards" in my opinion but there's no accounting for taste ;-) Those were the days. There's a certain photograph of Rob I'm convinced Paul still has in his possession - either that or it went up on the wall at Hertford Street! Brings back good memories of many, many hours by the medium wave radio, listening to music, jingles, commercials, news - and (often) very entertaining DJ's. Is it at all possible to buy tapes of the shows? Was very fascinated to read RL history. London (05/10/2001). Capital Radio 604 This radio station was the ONLY radio station. gefunden und mit viel vergngen gelesen. Thanks for that. Thanks; John Gunars. HI . TUTTI I am interested in radio i use to find the signal propagation interesting in times of aurora flutter and in summer months early evening the sig was vry weak it took a gud antenna outside to pick it up. brings back lovely memories of my childhood. I'm looking for any audio / jingles and I'm also trying to discover English celebrities (tv presenters, pop stars etc) who listened to the station. A superb site - brought back many happy listening memories - thank you. Eroc 90429 nuernberg germany (14/07/2000). You've got an excellent site. 208 - I really miss it. Topical Tunes, In May 1962, the power of Radio Luxembourg was displayed in Britain when B Bumble and The Stingers took the instrumental Nut Rocker into the UK Top 10 without a single play on the national BBC radio. Virum Denmark (26/05/2006). Misschien kan je je nog herinneren I remember RL in '62. Wow! every Sundaynight at eleven 'o' clock. But it is the 50's I am focusing on right now. By the way: His name was Peter Koelewijn. Excellent site. 500. I now live in Cairns, Australia with my family. The programme we are making will be shown on TG4, ( ) the Irish National Language Channel, and is called 'Mi na Meala' which means 'Honeymoon'. 464. Media, Ohio, USA (12/06/2010). Zbynek Atlanta, USA (23/01/2010). 299. Nostalgia rules!! Why can one not turn time back?? Milano, Italy ((26/05/2010), 774. Anyone have any recordings of Pick of the Pops with Thanks! Hello, I live in Poland. Saint Petersburg, Russia (30/12/2005). 318. 550. Pieter Raadtgever The Hague (20/07/1998). What happend to Johnny WalkerI was in love listening to him on the radio! Those of you trying to collect The RL TOP TWENTY records in 1960s-70s. I was a RL listener in 1970/1980 years! Luxembourg's fortunes began to decline with the advent of offshore pirate stations in the 1960s. 631. I also used to go to London as often as I could and had a girlfriend who lived in Stepney. was from midnight till one o' clock. 12 Side saddle Russ Conway Columbia Ferry Blokzyl I remember it well! What was he doing there? Oh how I loved 208!! Radio Luxembourg What I find amazing is that stuff I loved then, my son and daughter, now in their twenties, like Jethro Tull, just the same as I did 40 years back. I always did find Luxembourg in the end when the station's signal became stronger and I usually fell asleep listening to Luxembourg and waking the next morning next to a radio with dead batteries. Wonderful! 208 almost three thousand miles away. Gerry Hall 531. I pass many nights of my youth seeing a full star sky and sharing with friendly times and long conversations of how improving the world whereas in the radio of the car she sounded Luxembourg Radio that gave music us and represented the free world that at those moments the Spaniards we could not enjoy here. hoogte van de RTL activiteiten, alhoewel Best wishes, He was also the guy who introduced me to the likes of Quincy Jones, Herbie Hancock, George Duke etc ..Remember "The Greatest Love Songs Ever Aired" on a Saturday night? I think that I shall be spending more time looking through this. There was nothing finer than listening to Barry Alldis late on a Sunday night and into the early hours. Listen Now; Browse; Radio; Search; Open in Music. Prague, cz (03/01/2003). 197. father bought a transistor radio for my De zender liep veel weg; we moesten hem steeds I recorded some bits onto my reel to reel tape machine at the time. Southampton, England (28/04/2012). I got tears in my eyes listning to the old tapes with the known voices - and the noise. Is such a tape available any place in Europe?Very nice to see the pictures,too. Carmarthen, Wales (25/08/2012). Marknesse Netherlands (04/08/2002). Belgium (27/07/2003). Does any one out there remember an Australin DJ called Tony Murphy working on Luxy around 1968,he always ended his show with the words "May the lord have Murphy on you"I cant see him mentioned on your site and I guess you have covered everyone else,maybe no one else remembers him. 572. Kings Lynn England (04/07/2004). This is one of the very best radio sites ever. 358. Could anybody help me ? 468. But from that time on music was my life. mijn MTV/TMF-dochters van 16 en 18. full of such hope but tinged with saddness that the program was over for another 185. Peter Powell. I would wait all evening to hear the latest Motown sounds from Detroit, hands hovering over the controls on my Fidelity tape recorder, only to be enraged when they faded out Marvin Gaye after only 90 seconds! Any more votes out there for the rock and roll hall of fame?! 236. 274. The broadcaster became something of a cult figure after fronting the ITV show for 20 years. XRadio Luxembourg was in the 60's facing strong competition from the Pirate radio stations that broadcast from ships or marine forts out at sea, and this was the main reason behind the many experiments and upratings of transmitter power to improve the station's reception quality over England. Luxy was brilliant. Kenny Owen Metod Kolla Mike Bondy I remember a lot of the names of the jocks so it was a real pleasure to be able i came upon it in a search for info on peter aldersley. Thanks for the web site. Peter Stanier Hi, Was there also a song before 'Maybe the Morning' played every night? Great, absolute great ! 124. It looks as if the whole project is about to crumble. radio luxembourg power playlist - Peter Wright Sweden (06/06/2003). At any rate, I loved the site and will keep checking back in the future. Due to the broadcasting I brushed my English, and I imagine your overall achievement is greatly unknown, which concerns being mass media available and reachable over many frontiers. tot nachtbraken en luisteren naar muziekzenders. They had to Greetings 75. 739. 208 always was my absolute favourite for so many years back then when I was a youngster. Why not include more details about Carol Deene ? Asti - Italy (22/11/2002). Tom Haacke Bad Bentheim, Germany (26/05/2002). Richard Neuman, Austin, TX (02/06/2005). band radio I found. Hi Dick, Wallyford; near Edinburgh (08/01/2002). Les Miller I go founf zorba's dance by m. minerbi in wav format or midi format.Thanks. It was one radio where people could listen music from England or USA. 414. Is it Much saddened. (sorry for the spelling, I learned to speak Dutch, but This is the world's number one Radio Station. 238. Tony Prince 82. 562. Alida) mp3, Exemo - Eng kleng Natioun um Velostroun- offizielles Musikvideo, Boogie wonderland remix - Discobump - Discosound dj Paolo Monti, FRL - This is your favorite station stay tuned, Jean Claude Francois - Alexandrie Alexandra, Everybody Needs Somebody to Love Scene (6/9) Mov - Everybody Needs Somebody to Love Scene, EVERYBODY DANCE DISCO INFERNO-CHIC VS OTTAWAN VS N TRANCE VS THE TRAMMPS-PAOLO MONTI MASHUP 2020, FREE RADIO JINGLES NUMBER 1 INTERNET RADIO STATION, New Year Mix 2022 - Best of EDM Party Electro House Mix FRL. and good music to me in occupated Czechoslovakia . 255. Hi there!! THE TOP 20 LIST WAS THE TOP OF THAT DAY! gaspar aedo 216. 554. Thanks again for a great job collecting all this material, brought back a lot of memories. Leuke ervaring !! Tot Sients. 767. 55. Ralph Corso I am doing a little resarsh on the people that worked there, and made the station to the best. We play it every evening as we consider all the gifts God has given us, and as we look forward to the joys and challanges of the day to come. Anyway, we oldies have got the Internet which is jam packed with websites dedicated to those innocent radio days. Can you clarify for me. Please tell me what you think. Wonderful broadcast. Giorgio I knew some of the presenters personally and virtually all of the jocks names. geluisterd. That chart started in 1946 but up to 19 may 1949 it had only 10 postitions. Hakan Almroth Karlskrona, Sweden (28/05/2004). 442. Best Radio Luxembourg memory.Roger met mijn gammele radio kon ik daar niets van ontvangen. Crum Lynne, PA, USA (16/03/2007). Shreveport, USA (31/10/2009). Good job we were only lip-sinking, 'cos that would have put me right off. Take care, your cousin There was no better radio station to listen even on the AM. Tony Hall is still alive and well living Greetings from Portugal! PS. Do you know if it is possible to get a copy of the track? Have loads of letters from him and visited the Lux studios a few times. It was called:When you walked out of my life.I bought two copies of it on special order from my local shop and still play them to this day. 305. Green eye accompanied RLsound - it was our monitor/screen at that early sixties times. He was always the friend in a far off place! Radio Luxembourg (ocks knd som "The Great 208", d stationen snde p amplitudmodulerad mellanvg med vglngden 208 meter) var en reklamfinansierad engelsksprkig radiostation som spelade en mycket viktig roll i populrmusikkretsar under ren 1933 - 1939 och 1946 - 1992. in Londra op Luxembourg. und ich entdeckte vor allen dingen Tom Collins es empfangen) einzuleiten??? (21/02/2000). Ray Shearing etc. The music fanatic in communist Czechoslovakia and the Radio Luxembourg Thanks !! 719. I have so much good memories with the Radio , so when I came visit my mother country after so many years and found out that 208 is down , it was like closing down part of my youthful years. Unfortunately only a little piece of that song). Die jungen Zillertaler - Drob'n auf'm Berg (Zwergenlied), Stereoact - Die immer lacht (Radio 2016 Mix) (feat. Slavko Dekovic Dorking (27/08/2003). "Go get it" Radio Luxembourg was the only station that played the music we wanted to hear, being so far away from home. my mum would have a fit! EPFC, PO Box 4, Leicester LE1 3ZL, England (01/02/2002). Have you ever seen the better radio station in the world?! Surrey England (29/09/2003). 441. bijna niet beluisterbaar, wel nog op de Have the number one program "Don's On!" A brilliant site. I was born in 1946 and almost every night (since '59 till '66) I listened to 208 or briliant website

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