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14 But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; 15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. A. M. Chirgwin in The Bible in World Evangelism tells the story of a ward sister in a children's hospital in England. 2. but they deny the power thereof: [Paul said to Timothy] from such turn away. This was to reverse the lesson of a risen Christ, and to open the way for all laxity. It is a great happiness to know the certainty of the things wherein we have been instructed (Luke 1:4); not only to know what the truths are, but to know that they are of undoubted certainty. But let him not infer, "therefore," that he is to be enrolled among the martyrs, and that he is certainly a real Christian. my doctrine, and my manner of life, my purpose, my faith, my longsuffering, my love, and my patience, [you know the] persecutions, and the afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, and Iconium, and Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me ( 2 Timothy 3:10-11 ). All who will show their religion in their conversation, who will not only be godly, but live godly, let them expect persecution, especially when they are resolute in it. Now they're right out where little kids can go in and pick them up and leaf through them. The page number in Thayer is given, and the column on the page follows the hyphens. And for this reason we should continue in the things we have learned from the holy scriptures; not that we ought to continue in any errors and mistakes which we may have been led into, in the time of our childhood and youth (for these, upon an impartial enquiry and full conviction, we should forsake); but this makes nothing against our continuing in those things which the holy scriptures plainly assert, and which he that runs may read. "True," said the other, "but he kicked it to a goal." [4.] That will = Who will live ( ) to desire, to want to, to wish. She had been finding life, as she herself said, futile and meaningless. shall suffer persecution; it is the will of God, and the appointment of heaven; Christ has foretold it, that so it shall be; and he the head has suffered it himself, and it is necessary that his members should, that they may be conformed unto him; it is the way Christ himself went to glory, and through many tribulations his people must enter the kingdom; and this is the common lot and certain case of all the saints, in one shape or another; for though all do not suffer confiscation of goods, beating, scourging, imprisonment, or a violent death; yet all are more or less afflicted and distressed by wicked men, and are subject to their reproaches and revilings, which are a branch of persecution; and that for professing Christ, and living a godly life in him and under his influence: and since such suffer as Christians, and not as evildoers; and this is the common condition of the people of God, in this world, it should not be thought strange, but be cheerfully endured; to encourage to which is the apostle's view in this passage. Proud member Vincente Quiroga of Chile found a few pages of a book washed up on the seashore by a tidal wave following an earthquake. In that large heart which weighed so justly and with single eye, there was a deepening feeling as to all that he saw around him; there was a realizing of the importance of things of which he had said not a word before. Observe, As good men, by the grace of God, grow better and better, so bad men, through the subtlety of Satan and the power of their own corruptions, grow worse and worse. But then another thing. That good thing which was committed unto thee keep by the Holy Ghost which dwelleth in us." Yes, and everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. In Greek writings these two words often went together; and they are both picturesque. And the reason why he makes it so urgent not to be turned aside was, that the time would come when men would not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts they should heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they should turn away their ears from the truth, and should be. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1977. It has been pointed out that the writer of Revelation may well have been thinking of Ephesus when he wrote that haunting passage which describes the merchandise of men: "The cargo of gold, silver, jewels and pearls, fine linen, purple, silk and scarlet, all kinds of scented wood, all articles of ivory, all articles of costly wood, bronze, iron and marble, cinnamon, spice, incense, myrrh, frankincense, wine, oil, fine flour and wheat, cattle and sheep, horses and chariots, and slaves, that is, human souls" ( Revelation 18:12-13). For that very reason it is unanswerable that, whatever a man might argue about the rest of the Bible, it is impossible for the Church ever to do without the Gospels. It appears it was not merely in Rome. The scripture is a perfect rule of faith and practice, and was designed for the man of God, the minister as well as the Christian who is devoted to God, for it is profitable for doctrine, &c. Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man" ( Luke 17:26 ). "Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all" ( Psalms 34:19 ). "Follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart. (1) it teaches the only way to the Father is through Jesus; (2) it teaches a morality (a way of life) unpopular with the world; (3) it teaches a miraculous creation, a miraculous end; and a miraculous Savior who was resurrected; (4), Why does the world hate Christians? And that's what creates the problem all the way through. It has become their God and thus, they are guilty as those in the Old Testament who were worshipping Mammon, who, or rather Molech who was the god of pleasure. If the Lord doesn't come soon, we're going to destroy ourselves as we just sink in the filth. Now, there's nothing wrong with enjoying life. 2 Timothy 3:12 (KJV) - Forerunner Commentary - Bible Tools Enduring Word Bible Commentary 2 Timothy Chapter 1 In certain of these books Jannes and Jambres figured largely. But the phrase may mean any future time, whether near or distant. From , before, and , to deliver up.Those who deliver up to an enemy the person who has put his life in their hands; such as the Scots of 1648, who delivered up into the hands of his enemies their unfortunate countryman and king, Charles the First; a stain which no lapse of ages can wipe out. Have you ever seen an age when people were more conscious of their own selves? VERSION, NIV Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica. Sponde is the word for a truce or an agreement. This chapter has a vivid description of the great apostasy (2 Timothy 3:1-9), signs of which were already present, an appeal to Paul's own inspiring and inspired example (2 Timothy 3:10-15), and one of the most impressive paragraphs in all the Bible with reference to the inspiration of the Holy Scriptures (2 Timothy 3:16,17).For more extensive discussion of the apostasy, the man of . "Every scripture" for this is the proper force of the passage "Every scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.". In the midst of all, he is told to bring the cloak that he left at Troas with Carpus, and the books, but especially the parchments. I watch very little, but with horror and dismay, the deterioration of a man who probably at one time had a legitimate ministry, but I've seen the gradual erosion of this person on television just right before my eyes. We usually try to avoid it on Friday evening if we can, but sometimes our schedules are such that we just don't have time to. Indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. But thou hast fully known ( 2 Timothy 3:10 ), Now in contrast to this, boy, and what a contrast the Christian is to the world around him, and more and more, you know, more and more your lifestyle is different from the world. On the other hand, it is unholy to tamper with evil. Theophylact called this kind of pride akropolis (compare G206 and G4172) kakon ( G2556) , the citadel of evils. Description of His Past Curriculum 2 Timothy 3:10-12. Yet. If anyone proposes to introduce into his life a loyalty which surpasses all earthly loyalties, there are bound to be clashes. So God's word, scripture given for inspiration, by the inspiration of God and is profitable.Of course, this morning we pointed out that the inspiration of the Bible is proved by internal evidences, such as its total accuracy with known facts of science, when it happened to cover scientific subjects. If, in any manner, or in any way, he is subjected to disadvantage on account of his religious opinions, and deprived of any immunities and rights to which he would be otherwise entitled, this is persecution. Verse of the Day , 2 Timothy 3:12 Treasury of Scripture Knowing, God, My Praise (Study In God - All I Need-19). thoroughly furnished unto all good works ( 2 Timothy 3:17 ). Christianity changed all that and a new set of problems arose. shall suffer persecution; it is the will of God, and the appointment of heaven; Christ has foretold it, that so it shall be; and he the head has suffered it himself, and it is necessary that his members should, that they may be conformed unto him; it is the way Christ himself went to glory, and through many tribulations his people must enter the kingdom; and this is the common lot and certain case of all the saints, in one shape or another; for though all do not suffer confiscation of goods, beating, scourging, imprisonment, or a violent death; yet all are more or less afflicted and distressed by wicked men, and are subject to their reproaches and revilings, which are a branch of persecution; and that for professing Christ, and living a godly life in him and under his influence: and since such suffer as Christians, and not as evildoers; and this is the common condition of the people of God, in this world, it should not be thought strange, but be cheerfully endured; to encourage to which is the apostle's view in this passage. For after all, I'm worth it. It was the common lot of all who endeavored to serve their Redeemer faithfully; and Timothy himself, therefore, must not hope to escape from it. In the Jewish pictures of these last terrible times we get exactly the same kind of picture as we get here. Even a dog may be sorry when he has hurt his master, but there are people who, in their treatment of others, can be lost to human sympathy and feeling. Difficult is the Greek word chalepos ( G5467) . They will follow after their own wicked devices. Turning to the SECOND EPISTLE, we find that, although there is the same grand truth of the Saviour God maintained, the state of things had become sensibly worse, and the hour for the apostle's departure from the world was drawing near. To take pains and to endure are requisite even in what pertains to this life. Again, it is startling. [1.] The world easily puts up with the mask of a religion which depends on itself, but the piety which derives its vigor directly from Christ is as odious to modern Christians as it was to the ancient Jews [Bengel]. When children are disobedient to their parents, and break through the obligations which they lie under to them both in duty and gratitude, and frequently in interest, having their dependence upon them and their expectation from them, they make the times perilous; for what wickedness will those stick at who will be abusive to their own parents and One day a visitor came to the ward and left a supply of gospels. What does 2 Timothy 3:13 mean? But the condition of the believers had deteriorated. We should be asking: what, if any, is the unifying purpose which binds all this activity together? A man has sunk far when he finds even the presence of good people something which he would only wish to avoid. This is the right thing to do. "Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. " Rejoice ( present imperative) and be glad ( present imperative ), for your reward in heaven is great; for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. At first these magicians were able to match the wonders which Moses and Aaron did, but in the end they were defeated and discredited. Timothy's job, for the sake of the future, involves more preservation than innovation. It follows from this: (1) that they who make a profession of religion, should come prepared to be persecuted. It is a divine revelation, which we may depend upon as infallibly true. The Greek word is that men will become anosios ( G462) . You can you see what's happened even in the last twenty-five years. The same Spirit that breathed reason into us breathes revelation among us: For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man, but holy men spoke as they were moved or carried forth by the Holy Ghost,2 Peter 1:21. For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution - Paul takes occasion from the reference to his own persecutions, to say that his case was not unique. It can never cease to be a Christian's duty to maintain the unity of the Spirit; but it is not maintaining the unity of the Spirit to couple with the name of the Lord that which is fleshly and sinful. Nothing can sanction this. How are we to walk so as to please the Lord when disorder reigns, claiming to be the only true order? shall suffer persecutionand will not decline it (Ga 5:11). Men can be savage in rebuke and savage in pitiless action. It should be considered as one of the proper qualifications for membership in the church, to be willing to bear persecution, and to resolve not to shrink from any duty in order to avoid it. Nor do I at all see that any Christians should be above learning, if others can teach. That persecution which will properly furnish any evidence that we are the friends of Christ, must be only that which is "for righteousness sake" Matthew 5:10, and must be brought upon us in an honest effort to obey the commands of God. 9 But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as theirs also was. ", Now when you have difficulty in your understanding of a scripture, rather than setting that aside and saying, Well, God really didn't say that; just say, hey, I really don't understand that yet. Introduction; 2 Timothy 1 Commentary; They're profitable. He glanced at it as he consigned it to the flames. If they had been more faithful, and more like their Master, would they have always escaped? It is able to make us wise to salvation; that is, it is a sure guide in our way to eternal life. There was no longer the freshness of a new thing; and where the heart was not kept up in communion with the Lord, the value of divine things was less felt, if it did not quite fade away. 2 Timothy 3:12-17 - Bible Gateway Why cannot a man be as simple now as in apostolic times? 2 Timothy 3:12-13 Commentary | Precept Austin Jannes and Jambres were the names of the two magicians that withstood Moses. (v) Paul makes a final point. Now though it is infallible, inerrant and inspired, I did make a mistake in my message this morning on the speed of Arcturus; it's twelve thousand miles a second, I think I said twelve million. But let not a man who will do this, suppose that he has any claim to be numbered among the martyrs, or even entitled to the Christian name. And may not their freedom from it prove that they have surrendered the principles of their religion, where they should have stood firm, though the world were arrayed against them? Now when Moses appeared before Pharaoh and he threw down his rod and it turned into a snake, you'll remember that Pharaoh's magicians threw down their rods and they also became snakes, but Moses' snake swallowed theirs. And then Jesus will come and establish God's righteous kingdom, but by then, those that will remain will be saying, Oh, God help us. This is a very striking word. It may well be a proof of Timothy's courage and consecration that he had seen very clearly what could happen to an apostle and had yet not hesitated to cast in his lot with Paul. The real meaning of this is that all theories, all theologies, all ethics, are to be tested against the Bible. This time he was a Christian minister, and it was to the reading of the books that he attributed his change. They worship self instead of God. First, there are the duties of an apostle. At Ephesus some of the greatest roads in the world met. We live in a fallen world, and there are many challenges that face the believer who has not only trusted Christ for salvation, but is also ready and willing to deny self, take up his cross, follow Christs example, and say without compromise Thy will, not mine, be done.The newbornbaby Christian has to grow in grace and mature in the faith over an unspecified periodof time, to reach this level of maturity in his faith, while other who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ may slip in and out of carnality and worldliness for many years, stunting their growth and even regressing in their faith back to spiritual infancy.Many, if not all believers, are called to become mature in the faith by walking in spirit and truth and living godly, Christ-centred lives, but few are willing to exchange the cosy blessings of early Christian infancy, for the difficulties that inevitably follow the mature believer. (iv) The Scriptures are of use for correction. Truth and holiness and endurance are wanted, not authority or outward order. There is no part of John's doctrine more strikingly characteristic than life in Christ. Oh, yeah, I like that one. In 2 Timothy 3:9 he meant that the teaching of evil does not necessarily become more extensive and capture a wider audience as evil becomes worse. A whole collection of stories gathered round their names. What we have learned we must labour to be more and more assured of, that, being grounded in the truth, we may be guarded against error, for certainty in religion is of great importance and advantage: Knowing, (1.) That's just fable. "He kicked the world about," said one, "as if it had been a football." Here the apostle, to confirm Timothy in that way wherein he walked. Jesus said, "You do search the scriptures: because in them you think you have life; but actually, they are testifying of me" ( John 5:39 ). Heavenly Father, thank You for the privilege of being one with Christ, positioned in Him, and clothed in His righteousness. 16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. How comes it so? The kind of guys that went around selling snake oil or cure-alls, deceiving, defrauding people. And he embraced Christianity, but he was probably standing there in Lystra when the people in the city stoned Paul until they thought he was dead and dragged him out of the city. "The Lord give mercy unto the house of Onesiphorus; for he oft refreshed me, and was not ashamed of my chain; but, when. Parakolouthein ( G3877) is indeed the word for the disciple, for it includes the unwavering loyalty of the true comrade, the full understanding of the true scholar and the complete obedience of the dedicated servant. There was a certain heretic called Marcus who dealt in magic. ", and [as such they are] profitable ( 2 Timothy 3:16 ). At the same time there is the carrying on his full notice of everything found here below that would be a source of comfort to one who anticipated the ruin of Christendom. We don't have the time to devote to it this evening but I would suggest that you get a good Greek lexicon and do a word study on these particular Greek words that Paul uses to describe the attitudes and the actions of people in the last days. He is the man who is guilty of the "sin of the high heart." Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Persons sometimes say it does not matter who taught; but God does not treat the matter so lightly. So you have to be careful when you start chipping it away at one side because the whole thing will come down on you. We must remember that the scripture of which Paul is writing is the Old Testament; as yet the New Testament had not come into being. Plutarch uses the word to describe a quack doctor. It was thus Paul treated the proud reasonings and speculations of man; withal briefly touching on those that had gone entirely astray Hymenaeus and Philetus. Job, tell me, have you been beyond the gates of death, do you know what it's about? 3:2-5 For men will live a life that is centred in self; they will be lovers of money, braggarts, arrogant, lovers of insult, disobedient to their parents, thankless, regardless even of the ultimate decencies of life, without human affection, implacable in hatred, revelling in slander, ungovernable in their passions, savage, not knowing what the love of good is, treacherous, headlong in word and action, inflated with pride, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. I can base my beliefs upon what God has said because it is indeed God's word.I have great difficulty with these people who develop doctrines that are contrary to what Jesus said, as though they understand more than Jesus about what's happening in the future. Paul said in 2 Corinthians 4:2, "But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every mans conscience in the sight of God." So from his earliest childhood Timothy had known the sacred writings. Real teaching is always born of real experience. It describes the man who is swept on by passion and impulse to such an extent that he is totally unable to think sensibly. Indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. In these terrible days men will be slanderers. The moment a man makes his own will the centre of life, divine and human relationships are destroyed, obedience to God and charity to men both become impossible. The wickedness of evil people, particularly charlatans, will increase as time passes. And they use the book of Job as their proof text. Surely if it is an urgent call to convey what we know of Christ and the truth to those that know nothing, it is a great privilege to help to contribute a greater knowledge of the truth to those that know little. It may be that, since we are only human, we cannot live entirely without differences with our fellow-men, but to perpetuate these differences is one of the worst--and also one of the commonest--of all sins. And there's such a complete, total absence of love. Jewish thought had one basic conception. THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL Death and resurrection, then, are thus put before this servant of God; the more remarkably, because the point here is a practical and not a doctrinal question. So I become the authority if I make such an affirmation to you. for reproof, for correction ( 2 Timothy 3:16 ), And how often the word of God has brought correction to my course of life. That is, without any sexual restraints. He knew that he had suffered ill for doing well (2 Timothy 3:11; 2 Timothy 3:11): "Thou hast fully known the persecutions and afflictions that came unto me" (he mentions those only which happened to him while Timothy was with him, at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra); "and therefore let it be no surprise to thee if thou suffer hard things, it is no more than I have endured before." There can come a time in a man's life when the company of good people and the presence of good things is simply an embarrassment. Their minds become corrupted and they ultimately become reprobate concerning the faith. How many people who have stood before God and have pledged for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do us part; and yet again, the high divorce rate. To love men is to forgive them and care for them as God forgave and cares--and it is only he who can enable us to do that. Look at the lack, lackness. Timothy fully knew what was the great thing that Paul had in view, both in his preaching and in his conversation: "Thou hast known my purpose, what I drive at, how far it is from any worldly, carnal, secular design, and how sincerely I aim at the glory of God and the good of the souls of men." This of itself indicates that the epistle provides for a time when it is no longer simply a question of recognising persons coming out of the world. In contrast, the sins of "evil people and impostors" can be expected to get worse and worse. Aristotle (Nicomachean Ethics, 7: 2) defined the alazon ( G213) as "the man who pretends to creditable qualities that he does not possess, or possesses in a lesser degree than he makes out." They appear to think that if you hold life in Christ to be the one thing that is most precious, to be the prize that your heart reverts to, all owning of anything short of this would be out of place; but it is exactly the contrary. The world really doesn't admire true Christian traits. The age of children is the learning age; and those who would get true learning must get it out of the scriptures. All rights reserved. It is interesting that the Scriptures in many places speak of the last days and in every case where the Scriptures speak of the last days, you find that it is an apt description of the day and the age in which we live. "And in how many things he ministered unto me at Ephesus, thou knowest very well.". It opened at the Sermon on the Mount. He must maintain this confidence, knowing that the Scriptures are divinely given and that they are Gods means of instructing people in right belief and right living. The world is full of these braggarts to this day; the clever know-all's who deceive people into thinking that they are wise, the politicians who claim that their parties have a program which will bring in the Utopia and that they alone are born to be leaders of men, the people who crowd the advertisement columns with claims to give beauty, knowledge or health by their system, the people in the Church who have a kind of ostentatious goodness. The study of the Scriptures must never be selfish, never simply for the good of a man's own soul. of Few choose to leave behind the elementary teaching about Christ, and press on into maturity.Sadly many believers, although saved by grace through faith in Christ, refuse to move past the elementary principles of the Christian life. "Men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, truce-breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God." They did not keep the covenant that they made. In the first part of this chapter 2 Timothy 3:1-8, Paul reminds Timothy of the great apostasy which was to be expected in the church, and states some of the characteristics of it. Promotions are withheld, invitations are denied, and a snickering unpopularity are the daily portion of many precious souls working in a hostile, atheistic environment. If Timothy would adhere to the truth as he had been taught it, this would arm him against the snares and insinuations of seducers. He was to remember, then, "that Jesus Christ, of the seed of David, was raised from the dead according to my gospel: wherein I suffer trouble, as an evil-doer, even unto bonds; but the word of God is not bound." Thus we have everything cared for here; the state of confusion is clearly depicted, as it then was beginning, and as results have proved yet more. He was comparatively alone. It is derived from two Greek words which mean to show oneself above. The Greek verb kratein ( G2902) means to control. Look at the magazines that were once really under the counter kind of stuff and sold illegally. First and foremost he has an aim in life. 2 Timothy 3:12, "Yes, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus, shall suffer persecution.". No one can possibly mistake him. It is Paul's conviction that the real follower of Christ cannot escape persecution. You're in an alien world. The doctrine that he preached. It means to follow a person mentally, to attend diligently to his teaching and fully to understand the meaning of what he says.

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